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New London Ship Dealer

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 2:55 am

New London Ship Dealer

When your buddy Tobias? sends you to new london to get a ship is somthing supposed to happen .. I get there and the same ships are for sale as on Leeds.

I'm just wondering if a scripted encounter is supposed to happen.



Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:16 am

No, I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to go to New London and buy a new ship. Nothing special happened for me, at least. I bought a Cavalier, but upgraded to a Piranha as soon as I could and then I got rid of THAT at my first opportunity. I'm not a big fan of Bretonian ships and weapons. Ships are too ugly and the weapons are too weak.

EDIT - I DO like their Clydesdale freighter quite a lot, actually. It has lots of weapon hardpoints, handles almost as good as a HF, generous cargo space and very well priced. I tended to steer clear of the freighters in SP but after buying a Clydesdale in MP and using it for a while I'd fully recommend it as a viable ship to work through some of the Bretonia/Kusari SP missions. Might want to get your hands on a dedicated fighter before you leave Kusari for Rheinland though.

Edited by - DVC on 06-03-2003 03:22:01

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:18 am

Ok .. thanks

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 6:11 am

this will sound stupid, but
I finmd that the bretonia Freighter is cute ;-p

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:14 am

I didn't even bother going to New London, i just bot my new ship right there at Leeds.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:45 am

The ship prices are the same in New London as they are in Leeds, don't know what Tobias was babbling about. I went to New London first, but just after buying a ship I got jumped by Bounty Hunters and had to reload to the point just after I met Tobias. Since the prices where the same I bought my ship in Leeds, and there was never any difference. Maybe the lack of a dynamic economy didn't allow what the designers intended to happen there, so they just give you cash instead. The $25,000 or so Tobias gives you allows you to buy any ship on Leeds that you want.

Edited by - Kerrang on 06-03-2003 07:46:14

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