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Need Info on Tachyon Weapons

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:41 pm

Need Info on Tachyon Weapons

Heya, were can i buy good Tachyon Weapons (Lv.8-9)?

I'm using 6 Luger C from Bruchal Base, but it looks a little boring with 6 cannons of the same type... were can I buy good Tachyon Weapons that look a bit different? I know the Rheinland Tacjyons, but green is not my color... are there any blue Tachyons of high levels buyable? if yes, were are they? Sounds unimportant, for me the style is important to

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 2:58 pm

*bump* ;(

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:37 pm

The adv. ripper is tachyon based, and it's blue, but I don't think it's very high level
What is tachyon, anyway?

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:46 pm

IIRC, theoretically tachyons are extremely fast(>c) massless subatomic particles. As far as I know, the scientific community hasn't actually found any yet, and are already speculating that it does not exist. This, of course, renders any weapon using tachyons as utter bull****....

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:15 pm

Tachyon's definitivly exist, stars like our sun emite them and millions of them strike your body every day, but they dont react with matter. as said, tachyon weapons would be very stupid but nevertheless, i prefer them in freelancer as far as i know, advanced ripper is only lv5 or something... there must be good tachyon weapons that arent red or green, somewhrer...

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:50 pm

Yeah, IMG @ Tau31 sells Lv.8 they are not good, but look nice

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:56 pm

I think you might be thinking about neutrinos there...

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 12:07 am

neutrinos weapons for peace protesters =p

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