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Wierd place...

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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:46 pm

Wierd place...

Anyone seen this?


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:58 am

that looks like the Unkown system from Omicron Gamma, the one with the monkey planet and robot planet.... i'm definate about the 2nd pic... the first one could be from it to...

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:38 am

what i dont get from these pics is how are you flying with cruise engines thru a jumphole, at least it looks like a jumphole.wth...

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:36 am

That isn't a jumphole, it's just the background for the system.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:28 am

Yea, vkboy its in the Unkown system from Omicron Gamma. Behind the sun at the top right corner. The sun is about 120k of the map so its a nice long drive there. And this behind that sun and 280k in something that looked like a tunnle. I acctually travelled as far as 2100k only with cruise
... nothing there hehe

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:12 pm

does it look like your in the tunnel no matter wich way yo fly or what?

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:20 pm

Nope. If you fly to one side it looks like you're flying towards the edge of the circular tunnel. But, since it's just the background, you never get any closer to it. I was disappointed after flying that 180k to the white dwarf star off the map and not seeing anything cool around it. It sure was bright as hell though! Also, is this the sector people are talking about when they refer to the 'black hole'? Or is that on another map? Cause so far I've been to 52 systems.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:28 pm

btw me and a mate tried aswell flying into the big sun that is off the map, tells you that "Danger, entering corona" but you don´t die. And there is a small objekt into it, very small, the rest of the sun is not solid.

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