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Xeno''s, a rare breed?

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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 12:16 am

Xeno''s, a rare breed?

Anyone noticed that in SP mode, when you head to colorado to kill Xeno's or to fix a rep after leaving Liberty Space the first time, there are no more minable Xenos in Keplar, Colorado, or Hudson space? You can camp at their bases front door, and nothing. All you get from then on is random encounters or take a mission in Xeno space to kill xeno's? I mean, is this just in the PR version? Reps change so much in the storyline, with any time out and over 1.5 mill in credits in the bank, I'd rather do some "Xeno" mining and pick up some Tarantulas for use or resale. But heck, where did the Xeno's dissappear to when you head thru the NY Magellan Gate? And the only xeno encounters you will have are the rare lane hacks, or at the Colorado Jump gate on the NY side, or the keplar, NY, or colorado JH's in NY, CO, or Keplar? Dawson base is also a freaking ghost town. Why in MP you can't go for 30 seconds Xeno free while silver mining @ any time, but SP is BONE DRY, after you first leave Liberty.... :/ Even after beating the game, no more Xeno's... bummer.

Edited by - Ali_Bubba on 04-03-2003 00:44:45

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 9:41 am

I'm mining them like crazy don't know where you are but Hudson sector their base tons and tons of Xenos..... in Hawks too I'm full red with them but I've got other factions to improve

So I'm looking to hunt down some Gaian's aswell so does anyone know where their base is?

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