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Level 10 - Nomad - Zone 21 - Easter Eggs etc

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!


Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:41 am

Level 10 - Nomad - Zone 21 - Easter Eggs etc

I need some help here....

I've just finished SP - on level 38 and woudl like to know where to go next..
Perhaps look for the Lvl 10 weaponary, or look at that Black Hole or other easter eggs.. or go to Alaska (via jump hole) - cos theres no way though the minefield..

One problem though.. after reading all your posts on the subject
Im confused.. Everyone mentions Omicron Alpha etc.. F4 / F2...

As I'm not too familliar with all the routes... it would be helpful if anyone posting future posts on the subject would put in also a road map from well known locations etc... Grid cordinates dont help people who want to get from A to Z but dont know much about anything in between.

Perhaps in mentioning these areas, one could also mention the nearest planets or stations or what area to look in.. like Liberty or Bretonia etc.. it's infuriating trying to locate something in the Freelancer universe off information on posts in here.. Please be more precise and think of the newbies playing this for the first time...


Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:56 am

As I suggested to everyone b4...patrol routes are the key to navigating the Borderworlds and all other systems for that matter. I mean yo ugo into a new system, look at the Nav map, click on patrol route icon, and there's the clues. I can't comprehend why people can't do a little exploring...that is one of the funnest features of Freelancer. Maybe it's just me but if we give out all the coordinates of all the jump holes how long will it be before we hear these same people come back saying I found everything, now it's boring.

The coordinates system to identify areas of interest aren't foolproof, expecially in the nebulas that make it hard to find anything.


Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:55 am


Point taken -

Let's go discover me some new worlds


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