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Game lacks depth. Beware. @spoilers@

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:17 pm

Game lacks depth. Beware. @spoilers@

freelancer initially seems like a really cool game. the graphics are wonderful, i was impressed by the implementation of the mouse control which works well for the game, and there are things to do. for a while that is.

I've been playing on my friend's dedicated server for a bit over a week (full version) and have nearly completed exploration of the entire galaxy, have an outcast sabre ship (there's only one fighter with better stats), and the missions are all too repetative. not to mention trading. missions in multiplayer are either assassination of a specific ship/pilot, capture of a pilot, destruction of a generated base, or just to wipe out enemies in a specific spot. all of these involve going to the designated area, killing everything in sight, and either returning to the base you received the mission from, or just going about your business from there. mission difficulties appear to range up to level 45 or so, rewarding in over 200k credits for the toughest ones. i can already solo the hardest missions i've encountered.

what i'm trying to say is.. i should not be out of things to do in a week's time. i could play with my reputation, become a pirate and try to trade illegal goods by evading the law through jump holes, but all that will give me is more money, which i no longer need, except to repair and stock ammo and nano's and batteries.

i was excited when i found an unknown system, but.. was again disappointed a short time later. i won't go into details.

it's a fun game, but it doesn't deserve to be heralded as it seems to be. they could have put soooo much more into this game, it's a shame they didn't take the time.

i reccomend playing single player unless your goal is PvP, which quickly gets boring as well. don't want to ruin anyone's fun or make this sound like a bad game, but i wanted to voice my concern.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:44 pm

That's exactly what I think. The reason makes MP gets boring very quickly is that the trading system makes players gets rich too quick.Goods value always stays the same (yes I know those 800,000 cargo-holding god-damned transports) so everyone just take the Berlin - Tokyo golden trade route and get 2 million credits in three hours and found themselves nothing to spend it on. And even you died, you KEEP your ship and weaponries. So this game lasts no more than 4 hours if you don't want to explore border worlds at the speed of 300.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:18 pm


what about the freighter trains?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:24 pm

There are a few easy ways to make MP a little more fun, e.g. make polices much much much much more powerful so we can always find someone to challenge.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:26 pm

Well.. I hear ya. After 15 hours of play, I have the titan with lvl 10 shields, lvl 10 guns and everything but alaska and the other one discovered. Im neutral with almost everyone and can go anywhere without a prob. There are 2 unknown systems. One is boring, the other has a few monkeys.. which was cool for 2 seconds, until you realize they talk english too!!

But yeah, after all this time ive run out of things to do. People say, hey! lets go find (insert base/sector name here)!!, and all i can say is 'Been there, Done that'. MS better release a nice REALLY big addon/patch soon if they want the game to go really far or some modders better do something good. All the gamer mags will review the game good, until they realize that after playing it for a bit and hitting a brick wall of no continue, it gets boring. Back to CS and MoHAA i guess... with a bit of Battlecruiser to satisfy my open ended game need.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:29 pm

It's those trains who keeps the market stable. You cannot count on your pitiful 275-cargo freighters to have some influence on the market as long as they are there =(

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:10 pm

@Syphon, care to share your F8 stats from playing the game in 15 hours and exploring eveything to prove your 15 "claim"? I didn't think so...

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:57 am

hmmm 15 hours, I think 15 hours is not possible, but in about 30 I guess it´s possible, I think I have finished now most of sigma, tau and maybe all of omega and omicron, and all I needed for was one long session.

which was really good, one of my best gaming experiences in my life, but still game goes again abit down in motivation ... thats somehow a key attribute of freelancer, up and down of motivation.

first there is this great sp mode, but you are quickly done. (to easy)
than mp draws attention,
you start to make money,
you find out how, you have more money you can ever spend except you start using missiles
than you explore the border worlds, heck was that fun, fighting tons of titans in my little hammerhead, fighting for survival, happy about each bat drop, and just opping to find finaly some save place to dock.
and than I reached omicron theta damn I was happy

start than some killing missions against the corsairs to get the money for my eagle, hell, those fights were actally good, the game was challanging, 20 titans against my hammerhead ... and than all to suddently I got finally my eagle.
found in theta a jump hole to sigma 17, found out that here are lots of outcasts, that are allied to me ... happly reach soon omicron alpha, discovered the unknown system, checked out most/all of tau ... motivation goes down again.

so I guess yeah expansion back sounds like a good idea.
what sounds aswell like a good idea, is nightmare and hell mode, and aswell hardcore.
this concept is the one that keeps diablo2 all that time alive, well ok that and the random item drops
to possiblity to get the game to insane difficult levels, new systems sounds aswell damn nice, but without enemys that stand again a chance they would be rather pointless.

and aswell its to easy to get a good rep with all important factions in the area you want to go in. but well, won´t say they should change something in the rep part of the game until I would haveatleast an idea how to make it better.


got an idea
that might have worked
instead of adding a plus to your rep each time you shoot an enemy of them, it should be instead only each time this enemy attacks them direct.

and aswell you should gain minus rep, each time you are in range of any attackers and you do not do anything to protect them (this is of course something for the allied or maybe ascloded to allied part)

Edited by - Apocalypse on 03-03-2003 07:10:12

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:05 am

So by reading all that you seemed to have good time playing the Didn't I see you on the E2 server? I ttried to hail you but you ignored me. Cat must of had yer toungue. Maybe it wasn't you. You have no idea the wit and humor I have to offer in MP. You passed up on a golden chance to really enjoy FL. I'm known to be quite the enhancer of the game.

Edited by - Stinger on 03-03-2003 07:07:00

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:28 am

hehe, to make stingers post clear, he did not mean me, cause he ignored me at e2 today
and we did speak yesterday abit about bugs and lag kills

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:54 am

I have to agree with some of the posts here. FL seems to be somewhat like a candy bar, it tastes really sweet, but it wont last very long.

I don't know how much game time this game was supposed to provide, but given the rather lengthy development time, something doesn't feel quite right.

I wanted to play the game as a trader. Somewhat surprisingly, I got the best cargo ship about 30 minutes after I completed the storyline missions. Something like 6 to 8 hours later, I've got over 2 million in cash and I'm level 38. And that's with some exploring too, I wouldn't say a lot, but I've been to 40 systems.

Now what? I can't buy anything for my money, except the best fighter ships, which is only a matter of getting the faction. Sure, I can go and check the last systems out, but right now that feels like "more of the same" instead of a new element of game play which is what is needed IMHO.

I still think this is a good game, but reading on the official site about the game, I was under the impression there would be quite a bit more depth to it than what seems to be the case.

I didn't exactly expect some hardcore simulator, but just "more" on the whole than what seems to be present. One could argue that some guys are never pleased no matter how much effort are put into a game. Well, give the game 30 hours or so and then decide if I belong to that category.

On the other hand, If you're happy with 25-30 hours of entertainment from a game, then I can recommend FL without reservations.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:26 pm

think FL is going to be one of the 19,99999 patches games this year (no problem with that if it improves playing)

maybe they should have diff. game styles like capture the flag each team has its own system with a big flag in the middle surrounded bij 2 weaponplatforms and you got 1 base to resupply your ship and as a respawn place (which can be destroyed).

or deathmatch 1 system with couple of bases and everybody attacks another (total PvP)

team deatmatch : speak for itself

destroy the base 2 systems 4 bases tons of weaponplatforms and 2 battleships protecting some jumpholes so you got diffrent way's in. and you have to destroy every base/weaponplatform/battleship

and all of these games with ya own ship.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:49 pm

@ Lemlestarn

try to do a trade run with the omicron systems ^_^ at best when you are not friendly with all factions, thats FUNNY

@ shadow, thats fro what mods are there, cs was aswell not in half-life
hl mp sucked even
fl mp is damn nice coop mode for a exploration game, and it can be expanded aswell from the moding community

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:34 am

It seems to me that people are complaining that 30 hours of gameplay is not enough..... uhh, correct me if i'm wrong, but 20 hours of gameplay is considered fairly long.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:02 am

Yup, this game is great, but after getting to level 40 + and getting all you want, you have failed to realize that you have finished the game. What did you guys expect? Something like Elite where you suddenly get warped into a bunch of angry targoids and that you cannot survive unless you had your Super Bomb Blaster Killa Bee....

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