Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:57 am by Norfleet
The 12000/80 BH shield is a myth. I decompressed all the ini files. There are 3, and only 3 different types of shields: Graviton, Molecular, and Positron, designated 01, 02, and 03, respectively. Grepping through the market files, no graviton shields above L7 or L8 (I forget exactly) are sold ANYWHERE. No molecular shields above L9 are sold. Positron L10 is Advanced Brigandine.
The shield used by high-level bounty hunters is the L10 Molecular, a shield not sold in the game. When scanned, it has a shield value of ~10K, regen rate indeterminate, as all AI ships scan as having a shield regen rate of 1.
I repeat: There is NO 12000 pt shield, and it would extremely inconsistent, following the progression of any shield's regen rate, for it to have a regen rate of only 80. This shield a MYTH. It does not exist.