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non gun weps

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:23 am

non gun weps

i have just started playing and i have a question
i have the ship u get and the begining w/ upg weps three laser shooting thingys
and have picked up a missle thing i forgot what its called and sold it
i just wanted people's opinions on turrets and misslses and torps
how they work and which are the best for price
thanks i will refine my post when i get around to it again

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:31 am

i played through just with different lasers and some torps. the turrets are maybe good if you use a freigther, dunno... the figthers have most no place for it, but i got a neat one on my anubis wich kills shields damn fast ^^

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:38 am

i got through the game only using guns... hehe, no torpedos, no missiles... in my opinion it's cheap to use missiles - i mean they're homing!! as for the turrets - ships have differents places for guns and turrets... the good thing about turrets is their wide coverage... so you can actually shot backwards, which you can not do with ordinary guns...

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:06 am

are turrets auto-fire and if not how do u shoot them

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:48 am

turret view is nice for freighters.

As for missles and torpedos, torps are great if you do missions that require blowing stuff up, their also good vs rail freighters, for taking them out in one shot, heh. Missles are very cheap and can be used alot, at least the lowbie ones like javs, Firestalkers and stuff later on get pricey, like 8k per missle 0.o

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