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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:57 am


Well for all of you traders out there (i'm one) best thing to do is trade food and water to pittsburg because they buy for alot more there.

But on the way from westpoint your trade lane might get inturrpted so be ready to run or fight. (i choose run). Anyway is main there for anything besides good looks and another planet to burn up in the atomosphere of?

BTW whats the best thing to sell to battleship mussouri?

-Nuff Said-
-Hell is only a place you visit when your not living, thats why when you meet me your in hell-

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:23 am

Probably H-fuel

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:35 am

Or light arms from Detroit Munitons


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:01 am

the greatest profit is made by selling detroit munitions to the battleship missouri

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:11 am

I wonder if mining for silver will make any profit? Say up in the colorado system to Pitsburgh . . . I wonder.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:16 am

I was a trader taking water and food rations to pitsburg and then boron and metals back to manhattan...until i got jumped by hackers. I barely made it out alive...took all my nanobots..and all my sheild things..(had like 5 sheilds).
then i decided that going to pitsburg and manhattan..better use a fighter...
Phoenix out.
PS: yah munitons to missouri is the best ive found

From this celestial bough all but one did fall into the pitiless fires of reach.
A soldier’s ignominy to have dreamt while his brothers bled. But oh, for the rest of us his shame was our salvation.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:58 am

taking h-fuel from wherever sells it (dont remember right now, the battleship ?, costs about 360) to the *minor spoiler* rouge base in the badlands where you can sell it for 444 is also quite good, although it takes a while to gett there, and you need to gett friendly with the rouges; thats what the xeons are there for right ?

-Sic transit gloria mundi-

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:56 pm

Light arms from Detroit to Missouri and Boron or H-Fuel from Pittsburg to Manhatten are the two most profitable in the game. However if your money is low, the best way to build up your coffers, is trading water from Manhatten to Pittsburg, you'll double your money.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:09 pm

wyvere, you can mine silver in silverton field in colorado and sell it at manhattan for $630 per unit, be carefull, lotsa xenos there though


United SL Modelers¸
Administrator for World Of Gamers
Webmaster for Red Faction World

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:26 pm

wow, I've read forums here for so long... lol, actually I think I posted once a loooong time ago in the first debate of joystick.... oh yeah, back to trade topic.

My best "trade" experiece so far was finding a busted ass ship emitting radiation. There were 8 cardamines floating around, so I tractored them in and sold them on manhatten for 12k. Not a bad find if you ask me . Generally speaking, I love trading drugs. I'm surprised I haven't had my cargo checked... yet.


** looks like someone else got 18 from the Flint, ... cruel, cruel world.

Edited by - sellout b1tch on 26-02-2003 15:41:32

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:34 pm

best place to sell h-fuel is west point.

how do you mine? i might go team up with a patrol to et there.

btw hackers? i havnt been jumped by hackers yet. zenos,rouges,outlaws yeah but not hackers.

-I trade for a living, rouges piss me off, come get me, catch me if you can, i will leave you in the dust, or you'll die trying, take your pick.-

@Heretic Inc. We trade because we own.@

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:37 pm

there are no lane hackers in he demo and the way you mine is you blow up the mineable object and tractor in the stuff that pops out, note: not all the mineable stuff will have minerals come out.

Peace through superior firepower.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:31 pm

yeah well i just traded in my rhino for a patriot, i've had enough of these damn rouges. maybe when they've had enough fo me i will trade with my small amount of cargo space..

question, where can i find a cruise disruptor int he demo?

-I trade for a living, rouges piss me off, come get me, catch me if you can, i will leave you in the dust, or you'll die trying, take your pick.-

@Heretic Inc. We trade because we own.@

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:31 pm

you need to be level 2 to get the cruise-disruptor, at the junker base north of manhaten. and on a side note, h-fuel fetches 444 credits at the rouge base, making it the best place to sell the stuff in the demo.

-Sic transit gloria mundi-

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:15 pm

yeah i'm not on the good side with them rouges right now. they hate me the most outta everyone. damn the first missions.

-I trade for a living, rouges piss me off, come get me, catch me if you can, i will leave you in the dust, or you'll die trying, take your pick.-

@Heretic Inc. We trade because we own.@

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