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HELP , Area 21 mission MAULED!!!

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:49 pm

HELP , Area 21 mission MAULED!!!


How in hells name am I supposed to do this?

I am on route to Area 21 with The Order fleet, and as we approach the jump gate a group of ships engage us.

They are carrying some new kind of weapons, (Juni says this) , and they just rip me to shreds.......
Even when I lose I generally have a feeling on how I can improve my chances next time...but I have tried repeatedly on this and they just SHRED me inside a minute
I have a fully Equipped Anubis Heavy Fighter with power sheilding and full class 6 weapons, and I can't even take one of them out before I get my brains spread all over the place?

I swear some parts of this game are just stupidly hard, and you dont even get to save. It really *$*%**$*£*£* me off!!!

Anyone know what I am supposed to do here? Theres no way I can take them in a fire fight, absolutely not even close. I dont know what weapons they have but they rip my sheilds like paper

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:04 pm

Nevermind, got it by avoiding them until my team mates did the work.

Completely stupid level of hardness with no saves, absolutely ruins the game. I am now defending Toledo which is yet another joke level.
Bah, I am not even going to try doing it properly, I will wait for a god mode cheat.....

No money to restock and repair, no money for new weapons, no money for new ships... just tied into a single player campaign which is one dumb level of difficulty after another. And to cap it off, you can neither save in space, nor skip past the cut scenes, so you just wind up dying and then watching cutscenes over and over and over......
I will be glad when the campaign is complete and I can just Freelance, because the stupid campaign mode is just ruining the game...

Do they have to tamper with everything? WHY did it need to have a single player mission set FORCED onto you????

BAD design choice, very very bad.....

If they were going to force the single player onto you like that they could at least have THOUGHT about it first.

How about considering what Power of Ship, Sheilds , weapons people could have? Recommending a MINIMUM spec and not letting players get tied into a mission sequence without any possibility of success......

Maybe some tcatical dat on the enemy? What sheilds they will have, what weapons they will use? Something to give people a fighting chance and not get slung blindly into a HUGE sequence of impossible missions withpout any fund or any possibility of restocking......??

That would probably be too much common sense to ask....

I really wonder what is going threough peoples minds when they do stuff like this? Isn't it OBVIOUS?

I am sure it WILL be a great game AFTER you have cheated through the annoying campaign sets and finnally get to Freelance and get properly kitted out.....

Edited by - SabreWhore on 24-02-2003 16:11:14

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:35 pm

What kind of a rant is this? You get upset because the game pushes you to get better so you resort to saying "I'm going to wait for god mode?" Sound like there is no way possible for you to be pleased. Either game is too hard and you get mad about it claiming a fault in game design...or you whip through it easily and you get mad about is claiming a fault in game design. Jeez!

Remind me why people complain in the first place...someone...anyone?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:10 pm

If I wanted I shoot-em up space game I would play wing commander......

I don't like shoot-em up capaign based space sims, they are not my thing.
I expected something much more open and the freedom to choose what I wanted to do for myself and when..

Alll I wanted to do was start a game and be left alone to do what the hell I please. Is that so hard to manage? Is it too much to ask that they even put an option in the satrt menu for simple free play no scenrios?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:15 pm

Why don't you fire up a LAN server and play MP? No missions would ever bother you then....

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