*Note to mods- this should be in the spoiler forum*
*Spoilers below, don't read if you don't want to*
Either ship is good for this mission. The Hawk gets more maneuverability, but the Dragon offers you a torpedo hardpoint. Torps are mostly just a waste of money during the storyline, however, properly used you can take out the battleship over Tekagi's arch from 5 or 10K away, that will sizeably reduce your threat. Do this by using thruster or cruise, then using the engine kill key and launching the torpedos from 5-10 K away. Just make sure you can see the battleship, as you'll have to aim yourself, torpedos fired in this manner don't guide themselves, however I have hit targets from as far away as 17K using this tactic. Once you've cleared the battleship use the arch's own shield to block you from some of the turrets. Just don't stay still very long, don't bother taking out more than a few of the fighters. If you delay too long 1.) Your allies will all be destroyed and 2.) You will fail the mission after a certain time. The key to this is persistance. Don't bother flying through the bottom of the arch as Ozu instructs. Use torpedos if you have to, though I managed to play all the way through to the Rheinland phase of the SP line still in the Hawk. It's a good ship. Also, if you're using mods, I highly reccomend that you play the SP missions at least once unmodded to get the true feel for them, you'll come out of it a much more competant pilot, plus its a lot more fun
Good flying.