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Unknown systems

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Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:38 pm

Unknown systems

Has anyone been to the unknown systems through the jump holes in Omicron Alpha and Gamma. Both have Nomad ships flying about and in one system, there are planets with monkeys and robots that know who you are! The funny thing is that these systems dont have a name or sell equipment even though you can dock on the planets! Has anyone seen this before. They are through the Corsair and Outcast Tomb areas in Omicron Aloha and Omicron Gamma.

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:46 pm

yes. thanks thats a major spoiler for newbies. this thread will probley be deleted in 1...2...3...

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:29 pm

I dint mean to spoil it for you, but, for the future...........

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:32 am

almost everyone knows those places....

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:01 am

Yeah, but does anyone know whats with them (mistake glitch)?

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:16 am

There's not much to see there sow they also know that....

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:33 am

Two possibilities:

1. There was originally going to be more to the game and these were to be part of it.

2. More likely, it is just a joke by the programmers.

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:59 am

Now! In the unkown systems, which we all bar none now know of so I should say the newly named now known unknown systems, you will find that many ****** will be encountered. These are good for ****** ******** and also a little **** but not much else. Then again with that much **** what else would you want? Eh? Okay maybe a ****** or two yeh! But that is about it really. You can got to either ****** or ***** but I dont really know why you would want to bother. Of course as I know about the unknown I can judge for myself that I cannot tell why you would not want to know but you will have to wait to know for yourself so you too can judge that it was not worth knowing about the unknown which will by that time nolonger be unknown. The rest can be left for *spoilers* as I have probably said too much already.

Still it is best not to let the n00bs know nowt now our knowledge of the unknown unless they discover it for themselves, at which time the nowt knowing n00bs would nolonger know nowt nor indeed be n00bs so I can stand by what I originally said with confidence. You know?

"Time wounds all heels!"

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:56 am

Good point made here, it's hard to tell if this is really a spoiler anymore, but for those just starting the game, I think it's best if I moved it to the spoiler forum. So, the magic wand...where is it?....oh, there, under the pile of laundry, here goes...whooosh, to the spoiler forum.

Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 9:05 pm

Well,if you scan the monky plannet,it should come up with strange infomation.It must've been a joke by the programmes.Well,thats what i think

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:14 pm

My belief is that it was going to be incorporate into the main story (or maybe a scrapped secondary plot) but due to time constraints the dev. couldnt finish so they just turned it into a joke. Also, has anyone scanned the jumpholes leading out of the system. The description is like 3x as long and Ageira has been replaced by "Valhalla Research" and "Monument Engineering" (I'm not sure if this is true with the alpha unknown system though). I believe this is a leftover from a beta build. Finally, the corsiars dont have a tomb surrinding their JH. Its a proving ground for young corsairs in which they must fly into the cloud, w/ no shields and barely any weps. and retrive artifacts. Not all maek it out alive..... Also, you can find the Dyson SPhere after the main story. Go to the very edge of the Gamma unknown system (i believe its beyond or by the second, harmless sun0. If you look into the distance, you will see an orb that can only be the Dyson Sphere (you can actually calcualte this via the universe map while in the Dyson SPhere in the SP story.

Post Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:02 am

I believe that these systems were put here so the people could mod them. I mean the creators must have known how modifyibles the game was so they put them in as a sort of proof of concept of how easy the game is to mod. And is.

Post Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:02 pm

This kinda pertains to this thread, but very much pertains to the question of 8 (yes, 8, and no, I don't want to talk about it) sleeper ships.

It's pretty common knowledge that Freelancer was initially a Chris Roberts (as in Wing Commander) game, but that he got fed up with Microsoft pushing him around and quit. You can definitely tell how much of the game was actualy developed by CR. The plot, up to the point where that weird guy with the egg who smokes those funny-looking cigarettes gets killed, was obviously written by Roberts (I base that mostly on the fact that the plot after that point is crap).

With that knowledge, it's not difficult to understand why certain game elements seem unfinished. They are unfinished (for example, the total lack of exploration in the single player campaign. You really only fully explore Liberty). As for the particular game elements you're talking about here... Yeah. They're probably an inside joke by the game developers.

I know this post was a little off-topic, but I just thought it pertained slightly.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:15 pm

I think maybe they planned to use it as a main-story continuation or system, but simply ran out of time and tried to be, well, creative.....

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