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cheats do you know any?

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Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:00 am

cheats do you know any?

helo and welcome if you know any cheats please post them here

thanks it will be mutch appreatiated!!!

with the sudden destruction of freeport 7 the liberty police suspect the dangerous terrorist organisation the order.the ramining freeport 7 servivours have just arrived on planet manhatten well keep you up to date as the story develops

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:10 am

there are no cheats as such only mods which can alter the game to give you god mode etc. There's also this:

goto file

C:\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\prefoptions.ini

change entry




This is supposed to render enemies weapons useless although i don't know if it works as i've never tried it before

Edited by - Gowserpaul on 6/28/2004 4:59:16 AM

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:32 am

That cheat basically makes you invincible. For some people it works, for others it doesn't, but I can tell you this: it takes ALL the fun out of the game

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 3:04 am

Is it possible to set the DIFFICULTY_SCALE to 0.50 or 0.25 to make the game easier?? I have my old man playing it but it is a little difficult for him. He doesn't want to be totaly invulnerable, just make it easier.


He is 73 and retired and I have gotten him hooked on some games..
Heh, I have him playing some aircraft sims, FreeLancer and UT..

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:27 am

Introduce him to Vice City

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:51 am

if im u or DONT try to cheat
its like fun
you wordt kick out games

Greets Silint_Hunter

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:27 am

Bri_Dog..... hmmmm Vice City..

I didn't think of that... He may enjoy it.. thanks for the idea..

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:42 am

Dont go out of topic here.....

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:30 am

Dont go out of topic here.....


I will test the 0.50 and 0.25 settings tonight.... and post what I find out.

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:08 pm

what about setting it higher (ie to 2, 5, 10, etc)? Will it make the game insanely diffacult? --- VH16

I am Nobody; Nobody is Perfect; Therefore, I am Perfect

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 12:30 am

My friend tried that and apparently it worked, yes. This ushers in Sudden Death mode (difficulty on 99)

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:41 am

You can very easily hack the money using any memory reader (or how those programms are called) i use artmoney and got rich in no time (it works if you want to buy all those super expensive moded ships in manhatan at level 1 )

but of course this isnt a real cheat 8)

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:47 am

Yup... setting the DIFFICULTY_SCALE to 0.50 and 0.25 works fine..

You still take damage, but the game becomes much easier.

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:16 pm

It's deffenitly a lot more fun not to cheat.......... I have read if you put the DIFFICULTY_SCALE = 1.00 to DIFFICULTY_SCALE = 0.00 it sometimes screws the game up.

I have not tryed this....................AZAR

Post Fri Sep 03, 2004 3:25 pm

Hey, I got this off a gaming website just now. Apparently, hitting alt+f4 triggers an easter egg of somekind in every microsoft game, Freelancer included. According to it, it converts all your weapons to "Warthog Missile Launchers," in FL (a tribute to a company involved with Starlancer). It's a powerfull weapon that destroys any target with one shot, and it tracks. And, it's storyline compattible. And, it fires charging warthogs. It's an oldy, but a goody. Happy hunting, I'm off to try it. --- VH16

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