Post Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:32 pm

Interesting Info Windows

First off, is these have already been posted, I apologise; I hate to be a 'noob' who repeats the same old stuff over and over -- just, hold your tongue if you have seen them. But I can't say I've seen them posted, and thought at least some people may not have seen them. Those brave souls who've ventured into Freelancer's files will probably have seen these, however those who don't, and may not have thought to look at the info on the following, may not have seen them. The one taken from the trade lanes was a particularly lucky find, as I haven't been able to find it again no matter how hard I try; it was on a ring somewhere along the way of a lane in Rheinland.
I'll put the screenshots I took online at some point, but for now I'll just type up what they say:

1) A Trade Lane Ring, somewhere in Rheinland, came up with info that isn't on any other lane I've 'scanned':

Trade lanes are used for superluminal travel within a system. Trade lanes must be entered from their origin point, usually located near key industrial, military, or civilian bases.

The first trade lane was established through a joint venture between Monument Engineering and Valhalla Research in the year 280 A.S. By 350 A.S., most of Liberty space was crisscrossed by trade lances. Through financing from Interspace Commerce, the trade lane network was rapidly extended into the other colonies, helping to create a truly sector-wide economy. Trade lances are the fastest and safest method of transporting goods and personnel within and between the colonies, Plans to expand the trade lanes to connect interests in the independent territories outside of the colonies are pending.

2) Omicron Gamma Jump Hole, Unknown System. This one is much easier to find, but as I never bothered to scan the Omicron Gamma jump hole on the Unknown System side until recently, I thought that maybe some other people haven't either, so here is what it comes up with:

Magnetic and gravimetric readings consistent with a 'jump hole'.

Like jump gates, jump holes are semi-permeable areas in real-space that have a tendency to breach the natural boundaries of linear time and space. Unlike jump gates, though, these anomalies occur naturally and so are both unpredictable and unstable. Travelling through jump holes is a risky proposition at best. Though some have been charted and, based on accounts from ships that have accidentally encountered them, have had their exit points logged, just as many ships have never been heard from again. It is believed that these ships were either crushed in the violent, cataclysmic vortex that lies outside he narrow corridor of a jump tunnel, or were sent to a place far enough away to make communication or a return trip infeasible. In either case, those missing are presumed dead. Valhalla Research and Monumental Engineering urge all citizens to use the prescribed trade lanes and jump gates and avoid all contact with jump holes.

Remnants of a time long forgotten by DA? I've never heard of the two companies mentioned; I think Valhalla Research is meant to be Aegira, and Monumental Engineering is meant to be DSE.

"If it aint on fire, you haven't shot it up bad enough yet" - my old teacher on Planet Housten.

The Bounty Hunter Intelligence and Tactical Computer System