Post Sun Mar 21, 2004 12:51 pm

Tips 2 help when ur alone in space

I have found 2 xciting manuevers

Locnar - While having lots of enemies behind u, drop 2 mines and then go in circle around them while dropping mines (this works best with driller + mines) each mine will take off after someone. this ties them up leaving 1-2 ships only firing at you.

Shuffle- most of the powerful guns r on the front and unless u want to get ur ass shot off in turrent mode you might want to pull a shuffle on them. Fly away from them and the spin round to face them and then hit Z-key alot and now ur flyin in reverse and their in front of u where your guns are. If they start to get too far way only use ur thruster to get them back in range then release and go back ion reverse again. (try this only if ur an experience player)