Tue Mar 30, 2004 4:19 pm by phantomewok
well, I'd say this:
new york: buy Luxury Consumer Goods
Travel via tradelanes and jumpgates to Planet New London to sell the Lux goods
At Planet New London, buy Luxury Food (careful, its perishable)
bring it back to planet manhattan by tradelanes.
u lose 5-7 lux food per run if u dont fight (run away from criminals with afterburner + engine kill).
buy lux goods for 180, sell for 630
buy lux food for 192, sell for 1200
Also, any time u happen to be going from liberty to rheinland, bring Lux Consumer Goods from manhattan (180 creds) to Planet Baden Baden in stuttgart i think. they sell for 1600 there - with a drom thats ALOT of money. but route is too long for a constant run. (just if u happen to be passing by)
Orillion: So trent, will you help us with the mission?
Trent: Sure, as long as I'm not shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi.