Regular questions answered. New Questions Welcome !
1: Best Ship .....
2: After the storyline .....
3: Location, Location, Location
4: Freelancer Expansion/ Petitions
5: Omicron Alpha Unknown Sun
6: Can I get to ........ ?
(Question 1) ------ "What is the Best Ship ?"
Since this is an objective review, I can only give you the facts as they are.Now, most people agree the best ship is one of the three top VHF Fighters. Here I will list the stats of each ship and let you decide for yourself.
Eagle ---- Pros: Fast Turning/Dodging Speed
Cons: Weak Armor, Medium Firepower
Sabre ----- Pros: High Firepower (Due to 360 Degree turret on top)
Cons: Medium Armor, Medium Turning Speed
Titan ------ Pros: High Armor (2000 Extra Shield Power)
Cons: Medium Firepower, Slow Turning Speed
Okay, people who support the Eagle say that it can beat the Titan by dodging it's shots and staying behind it, wearing it down over time. However, it's dodging speed IS lowered considerably when fighting in asteroid fields, but dodging is great in open space combat, and if it can get and stay behind a Titan , it will win.
Titan Supporters say that the Eagle can be taken down easily with a head-on weapons run, which is how most ships approach combat. Due to a lack of a back firing set of turrets however, means that if a Titan dosen't destroy it's target in the head-on run, giving time for the Eagle to get behind the ship, means the Titan is finished unless covered by another ship.
There have been no major arguments for the Sabre, as most people seem to like either of the Extremes (Titan or Eagle). Onto the next question .......
Question 2 : "Where can I find (Orillion/Juni/King etc) after Orillion asks me to be their Liberty Agent ?"
Two words, YOU CAN'T
The storyline ends after the Big Nomad Homeword Battle, and it has been left at that, which means the game want's you to assume Juni/King/Orillion etc go on with their normal lives (Whatever normal is for them....). Go around Siris, explore, then move on to Multiplayer. Next question......
Question 3: " Where can I find Weapon/Shield (X) ? "
There is a list of all weapons/shield locations etc In the spoilers forum, at the top of the page. I'll leave you to find it. Onto question four ........
Question 4: " Is there going to be any Expansion/s for Freelancer ? "
OR " Let's start a petition for a Freelancer Expansion .. "
There is not going to be any Freelancer Expansion. Sorry, but that's the plain truth. Online Petitions won't help either, what we really need is more people to buy the game, and that's unlikely unless a miracle happens. Microsoft ain't goning to pay attention to pleas (When have they ?) for an expansion either, so don't try that. Just play the game and be satisfied with current mods.
Next we go onto .....
Question 5 : " The Sun in the Omicrom Alpha Unknown System dosen't kill me, why ?"
This is a glitch which was left in the game when Microsoft forced the game out early. No patches for that yet ......
Question 6: " Can I get back to the (Dyson Sphere, Tohoku, Nomad Homeworld, Alaska etc) ?"
I hate to say it. But no. You can't get back to the Dyson Shpere, Alaska or Tohoku AFTER the storyline. Unless you're using mods that is ....
These are just the questions that I thought of off the top of my head. If you have a question, post is here and I will try to answer it to the best of my ability..
"There's no such thing as miracles or the supernatural, only cutting-edge technology" - Ocelot
Edited by - Neo_Kuja on 1/25/2004 12:30:11 AM
Edited by - Neo_Kuja on 1/27/2004 11:03:46 PM