Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:13 am

Names of the save game titles.

Hello, I was wondering if someone (I know this may be tedious) can list all the saved games that get saved during the single player campaign? Like for example, i think one of the first missions say "Mission 1: Manhattan, New York" or something of that sort. The reason for this is because during the campaign I manually saved some games before I realized that the AUTOSAVE function or program saves ur progress when you quit the game. Yes, I know AUTOSAVE = automatically save... (but I am a paranoid dude at times, especially when I just finished a rough mission/job.) So after I completed the game I deleted all of my manual saves, and want to make sure the campaign saves are all there. To whoever does this (if anyone) thank you very much for ur effort/time.
Scott - [email protected]