Where the hell are these ?
I am attempting to beef up my eagle a bit , I have what is considered pretty much the best payload so far and the only things I can see that beat them are listed below.. ( apart from relics which i am not interested in while playing on-line as most wrecks have already been looted )
If someone could help me out here and let me know if aquiring the equipment is possible by filling in the blanks it would be helpfull, I have gathered a LITTLE information already myself - but I really should be getting back to work
~LoL~ ..
(( PS : I didn't play the single player mode I'm a Die hard on-line universe fan nothing more, nothing less. ))
NAME - Ripper Mine Launcher
LOCATION - ( Help! )
PRICE - $216870 ?
NAME - Ripper Mine
LOCATION - ( Help! )
PRICE - $7229 ?
NAME - Adv. Champion Shield
LOCATION - ( Help! )
PRICE - $312280 ?
NAME - Kraken Type 2
LOCATION - ( Help! )
PRICE - ( Help! )
NAME - Salamanca Turret
LOCATION - ( Help! )
PRICE - ( Help! )
NAME - Nomad Turret
MAKER - Nomads
LOCATION - Unknown
PRICE - $0 ( Aquire only using the old fashioned way I presume ? )
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