Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:10 pm by Killzone
Hey again! Nickless this is for your own good so listen up. After winning Starlancer the Aliance forces had kicked the Coalition right in the bo**ocks, and pushed them back to the Jupiter sector. However before the Alliance could further there gains, the Coalition gained the upper hand in the War and launched a new offensive strike. The Alliance decided to take drastic action. They commisioned the creation of 5 sleeper ships, each financed by the remaning Alliance controlled nations. As the Alliance finished construction, the crew chosen and the launched schedualed, the Coalition struck. After the sleeper ships escaped, the Alliances destruction would have taken less than a lifetime to complete. It is not yet know for sure, but all evidence suggests that Sol is now commanded by the Coalition, and the Alliance is but a bitter memory.
Enjoy that? I could do a whole thread if anyones interested.....
Bein an Outcast is about doin things you wanna do: Kill, Terrorise, Murder, Destroy, Smoke Cardamine, ya know, normal stuff.....