good weapons are hard to come by, but i have a list u can use here:
#. name : cl type HD SD energy refire
1. skyblast B: 9 , photon, 224 112 ??? 8.33
2. tizona del cid: 9 , pulse, 40 1000+ ??? 4.00
3. wyrm type 2: 9 , tachyon, 600+ 300+ ??? 4.00
4. kraken mk2: 9 , particle, 800+ 400+ ??? 3-4.00
5. firestalker: 9 , missile, 2000+ 1000+ N/A 0.5 (this turns well)
6, cannonball: 9 , missile, 4000+ 2000+ N/A 0.5 (i think)
7, DIAMONDBACK: 10, N/A, 1132 1/2 ??? 2.00
8, CEREBUS: same as diamondback
9, sunslayer: N/A torpedo 10000+ 5000+ N/A ???
10, nomad cannon: 10, N/A, 842 421 0 3-4.00
11, nomad blaster: 10, N/A, 600+ 300+ 0 4.00
sorry about the incomplete info, but those are the weaps that are most often used, check em out, and if any data is mistaken feel free to correct it, if anyone has anything to add by all meens add it
keep freelancing
something you should consider is a ripper mine, i'm not a big fan of mines but i can't count how many times this baby has saved my a$$
Knowledge is security... anything else, well... good luck
Edited by - Render on 29-08-2003 06:05:02