Where can I find that ship Tobias is talking about?
I just arrived on Leeds, and met my old friend Tobias, who gave me 25.000 bugs. He said to me, that he knows a person in New London, who has just the right ship, I'm looking for. But when I'm fly to Planet New London, there are only this "light fighter" bull**** ships and a cargopod, but not only that, it's the same type of ships I could buy on Leeds, so no need to come here. The bad thing is, that I'm currently flying a Liberty "heavy fighter" and don't whant to change it into such an tiny little trashcan. I'm also wondering that there is no cutscene when I enter the shipyard cause normaly, if I'm following an hint there should be some kind of event. Or is that hint just to drive me cracy? Please help
Your Admiral Eval.