I have looked at possible 'mineable' areas in Hudson and Kepler but the Hawks there seem to carry only the class 5 Tarantulas (it would be quite challenging to beat them if they had the class 6 thingies, hehe).
One thing I haven't looked at yet is missions ... It might just be possible that you get tastier enemies during bar missions, especially the assassination things.
I prefer the Tarantulas over the Outcast Pyros guns because 700/550 speed/range fits my style better than 600/600, but the difference is not very big. 700/550 matches the Borroco Turret speed-wise but 600/600 matches the Borroco gun perfectly (Borroco == mid-level Corsair shield buster).
Finding renewable deposits of Adv. Tarantulas would be a worthy contribution to the community, though.
EDIT - it seems that the Xeno Hawks always have the same loadout: three class 5 Tarantulas and one class 3 (!) Adv. Scorpion. I took missions for the BH out of Ames Research Station in Kepler and for the Rogues out of Dawson in Hudson but the gun loadout of the Xeno Hawks was always the same as for the Hawks you encounter in the wild, even though some of them were labelled as level 11 (probably shield or armour upgrade). During the missions I got an average of two class 5 Tarantula drops, even though the Kepler missions where in the $10k fee range and the Hudson ones $20k ... In a way this is good news if you want to equip a Drake or Barracuda while you are in Kusari space, since the Kepler missions are so easy that you could fly them in a Starflier. And these drop rates are way better than normal 'mining' (i.e. without taking missions).
So the easiest way to get the Adv. Tarantulas is to do two or three missions for the Xenos; Barrow in Hudson pays up to $20k per mission, Nome in Kepler about $10k. The effect on the rep sheet is negligible. If the Xenos are slightly below 0.0% neutral then you can fix this easily by slaughtering a couple Rogues and/or Bounty Hunters.
Edited by - Sherlog on 26-06-2003 01:50:37