What does affect reputation
There are some strange things happening with my reputation. My only enemies where the Bounty Hunters and Mollies (the latter far away from my area of operation - Berlin to Tokyo).
Although all I did was trading between Berlin/Tokyo, my rep with Kruger mining decreased. As soon as it was red, the Rhineland Police, Military and Daumann (who were all green before) suddenly dropped to red and started to attack.
What the heck is going on?
I know that
1. Completing missions for a faction improves your rep with them and (to a lesser degree) their allies
2. It decreases the rep with the party you operated against and (to a lesser degree) their allies
3. It increases your rep with enemies of the enemy you fought (slightly)
4. The effect of bribes is pretty obvious (except that the positive effect on allies of the faction you hack into is not mentioned by the bribed person)
5. Piracy will affect the rep regarding the victim and local police/military.
6. With some factions, reputation tends to wear off (positive or negative), if you stay away from them.
Nothing of this explains what happens to me. Any ideas?
Does anyone have more information on what affects reputation?
Edited by - Dunham on 12-05-2003 21:02:00