Post Tue May 13, 2003 3:16 am

There's been alot of chat about this, some people favour killing them slower, or finishing them off with one gun to minimize chance of wiping out the weapons. I've even seen people saying they deliberately hit the side/top/bottom/front of the ship to avoid destroying the gun they are after.

Personally i favour the 'be the highest level you can then waste loads of them' philosophy and generally feel that the higher the level you are the more chance you have of getting them to drop. I'm not sure about that tho.

However i do know godspeed is right when he says you cant get them below a certain level cause you couldnt buy them below a certain level. It the same as if you go after a bunch of bounty hunters looking for buckshots - if you cant buy them cause your level is too low they will never drop. Its the same rule for the nomads, the guns have a threshold level and they will not drop to players below that level. I think the only exception to this rule is the artefact weapons which kinda make you wonder why they left the threshold on the nomads.

I think the level is about 30, there is a post somwhere in the dark archives of lancers about whats the lowest level anyone got a nomad gun at but a bunch of idiots started claiming to have got nomads at level 16 or 21 and stuff so it was never resolved.