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Texas system ***spoiler***

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Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:48 pm

Texas system ***spoiler***

remember the cargo ship that got trapped in the cloud from the tradelane explosion?

well, take a peek at sector 6c ( take plenty of nanobots

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 12:24 am

No, i dont remember the transport that blew up in the tradelane, and why would i want nanobots? i mean, its interesting, but its not really a great financial find...

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 2:23 am

i love the way when you explore you find out more and more about the universe...

i want more info on the Texas Incident!!!

and maybe a few words about each type of star would be cool... not having to dock to find out about station info would also be nice


Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 6:54 am

It's hard to find the wrecks in that dark matter stuff, because your scanners don't work too well in there; and you can run up some hefty repair bills on your ship from the radiation. Some of the wrecks you can locate by just flying around the outside edge of the clouds. For more fun exploring dark matter clouds, you can go to Kepler and Galileo, too.

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:01 am

About the Stars... (oh man, you're gonna be kicking yourself for this one)
Basically all of the stars in the multiverse(not universe) are categorized by "The Harvard Spectral Classification", which is the most common and the simplest way to sort the stars.
OK then: There are 7 classes (marked by letters -- O, B, A, F, G, K, M), 4 sub-classes (also by letters -- R, N, S, W), and 10 "directions" (they mark the intensity/luminosity, and how close the star is to a class-caracteristic star), {marked with numbers 0-9}. All of this is used to determine where within a range of temperatures ( 35.000 K - 2.500 K {K = degrees Kelvin} ) and colors (red -- purple-blue) is a star. More about classes:

Class O : White/White-Blue stars with high surface temp.(25.000 K -- 35.000 K) usually massive and with intense luminosity. Absorption spectrums show quantities of ionized Helium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen, as well as neutral Hydrogen and Helium. Typical example -- Lambda Orionis

Class B : Blue stars with surface temperatures ranging from 15.000 to 25.000 K , similar to the O class, the absorption specters of Hydrogen and Helium are very intensive, and there are traces of absorption spectrums of ionized Calcium. Typical examples -- Riegel, Regulus

Class A : White Stars With temps. about 9.000 K on the surface, with intense Hydrogen Abs. spectrums, but no Helium Abs. spectrums, and with now more visible Calcium spectral line. Typical examples -- Sirius, Wega

Class F : Yellow-White stars somewhat more luminous than the Sun, with surface temps. about 7.000 K, have the most intense Calcium absorption spectral lines, with fading Hydrogen lines. There are also spectral lines of other metals. Typical examples -- Prokyon, Castor

Class G : Yellow stars, very similar to the Sun. Temps. on the surface are about 6.000 K, the Hydrogen lines are very weak, while the metal ones are intensifying. Typical examples -- Sun (class G2), Capella

Class K : Orange-Yellow stars with temps. ranging from 3.600 to 4.500 K. Various ionized metals are showing in the spectrograms, the strongest of which is Calcium. Hydrogen only appearing in molecular spectrums.
Typical Examples -- Pollux, Arkturus

Class M : Reddish stars, temps. 2.500 to 3.500 K. At this stage even Titanium-oxide confirms it's presence via spectrograms. Often in this class are the stars with variable luminosity.
Hydrogen is now in the Emission Spectrums. Typical stars -- Antares, Betelgez, Mira Cetti


Class R : Orange-Red stars with temp. about 3.500 K. Dominant spectrums are from molecular Carbon-Monoxide, and Dioxide, as well as Cianide. Typicall examples -- RU Virginis, S Camelopardalis

Class N : Dark Red stars with max temps. about 2.500 K, with spectrums similar to those of class R. only weaker. Typical example -- S Cephei

Class S : Similar to class M but with weaker Titanium lines, and traces of Zyrconium-Oxide. Stars in this class are very often Variable Luminosity.
Typical example -- R Cygni

Class W : The so called Wolf-Raye stars have extreme temps. on their surfaces (ranging from 50.000 to 100.000 K). Mostly Bluish, they usually have great luminosity. Wide Emission Spectrums of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Helium are notable. Typical example -- Gamma-Yedarra
There are a few more things to know:
-The stars change during their "life", so if you are watching a Class A4 star, it will probably be a class N star in, say, about 2 billion years...
-Along with "Normal" stars there are also Giants and Dwarves. Density of the star plays a part in this
-There are 3 ways for a star to end it's life: become a "Grey Dwarf", a Neutron Star, or a Black Hole, depending mainly on it's mass

OK, lets sort this out...
If you have a star of enormus mass, it's gravity can squeeze itself into a tiny sphere therefore called a Dwarf. Dwarves are usually white because the pressure coming from the "squeeze" generates more fusion of the Hydrogen and thus making more heat which makes the star more luminous and shifts its color towards white (damn!). On the other hand... The massive star could develop into a giant, provided it's thermonuclear energy manages to beat the gravity and expands it. This means that the heat is more dissipated and the star cooles down, shifting it's color towards red.

When the stars Hydrogen is all used up, it cannot maintain balance beween gravity and radiation any more so there are 3 scenarios to what happens next:

If the star's mass is <= Sun's mass then the star shrinks to a white dwarf with the electromagnetic fields keeping electrons from entering the nucleus. The star gradually fades away at first turning into Yellow Dwarf, then Red, and finally Grey Dwarf stage at which it becomes something like a planet (basically a rock)

If the star's mass is 1.4 x Sun <= star <= 3 x Sun's mass then the gravity is strong enough to make the electrons and the protons to merge into neutrons. While this is in progress the helium fusions into Carbon, then the Carbon fusions int Silicium, and finally Silicium fusions into Iron, so the Neutron Star has minimum 4 layers. It also gives off a hell of a radiation...

If the star's mass is > 3 x Sun's mass then it becomes a Black Hole. To explain this, I would need about 4 times this post of space and time, so I won't do it.
If you want to know more about stars, start a topic in the off forum and ask questions one by one, I will be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
BTW these are veeeery short versions of the real ones...

p.s. Don't shoot me, please...


Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:45 am

I just knew I would go too far with this...


Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 3:21 am

wow thats one big post on stars (and a great one too )

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 5:09 am

I think some visuals would help..

The stars as classified can be plotted on a graph according to luminosity, absolute magnitude, temperature and spectral class, called a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram. The biggest group of stars that encompass the middle swath is the Main Sequence stars:

And some corrections for Cpbuja's otherwise excellent post:

Our sun is a main-sequence G2V yellow dwarf. In its end stages it will proceed to become a red giant first, then collapse down to a white dwarf before fading to a grey dwarf. It will not become a red dwarf first (which is a main sequence star with less mass than the sun, like Gliese 836).

And stars with mass more than 3 times the suns mass becomes black holes, yep... That particular number was called the Chandrasekhar Limit, heh heh.

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 5:42 am

I stand corrected...
Thanx for the H-R diagram, I didn't want to start talking about it w/o the picture... It would be too hard to describe properly ("a picture speaks a thousand words", doesn't it?)
So I see you're into stars too... It's a nice buisness/occupation/hobby, but you'd be surprised how often people tell me to "do something more down-to-earth".
Anyway, as I said before, we can have an open discussion on this if you'd like, just start a topic in the Off-Forum (or do you want me to do it?).
Just a thought...


Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:28 pm

well i think its in 6c or around there, is the remains of a space station that got caught in the jumpgate explosion

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