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Fun Stuff post Level 38

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Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:11 pm

"help a guy complete a mission, and after its over, kill him too. (Heh, he earns 5000 from your help, and is saved the flight home!"

Hehe that cracked me up, but its very evil. I wouldnt do it, but the idea of it is highly amusing.

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:56 pm


Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:53 am

The killing people is always fun. "Accidentally" kill some guy, then camp their respawn..that's fun too.

Also, you can allow them to escape you (but tail them about 3K back) and see where they run to. They'll either get pasted by pirates, or just quit...if they quit, hang around where they last were for a few mins to see if they log back in....then kill them =P

Being a jackhole and ruining other people's fun is hard to beat, once you've done everything else. Note that it's also fun to "bribe" players. Lol, I'll often kill some guy until they want my head on a platter, then give them a million or so credits and see what they do =P

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:45 am

I got RICH by getting God mode and going right up to the sun in the system where the diamonds are and there r a crap load of diamonds right there by the sun...275 diamonds to planet leeds is alot of damn money! Almost 1,000,000 credits...and im not ****in ya.

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:55 am

dood, that is NOT funny.
Killing a player once I concider ok, but attacking the same person 20+ times is just plain stupid.

get a life moron. I'm talking about killing a player ONCE, I've never been yelled at, asked to stop, etc.

one conversation does spring to mind though...

Me: Spots player heading to a mission, I tag along. "Hia! Want some help?"

No responce, I help him take out about 3 waves of liberty rouges, then as he kills the last one, take him down, there is about 5 seconds of silence then

Him: "That wasn't very nice"
me: " cargo!"
Him: "Nope, didn't have any"
Him: "I'm going to attack some convoys now"
Me: "Want some help?"
Him: "No"
Me: "Why?"
About a 10 seconds pause
Him:"Because you Killed me!"

I was laughing pretty hard, and he wasn't upset/mad at me. I took a few missions from liberty for fun, and no, I didn't kill him again. Face it, you don't want to be killed, don't play on a PVP server. otherwise, expect it, its part of the fun! But don't stalk a player and be a major **** about it. If I see someone doing so, hes a dead man. Targeting a single player repetedly DOES ruin gameplay.

I also have a little rule, I don't kill a player that is more then 6 levels below me. that can make a difference, but I'm not picking off lvl 1 n00bs.

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:18 am

buy a drome and start shooting trains for the cargo..

..and I just wonder, where do I buy one of those?...

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 8:10 am

hunting cheaterbugs on the server. the latest was one fella who was flying around in NY in a Anubis (YES, ANUBIS!!)

stalked the bugger until he hit the texas jumphole. followed him thru and blasted the crap out of the anubis (Titan + Anubis = no contest). HAHAHAHA!!

of course, being pissed, he respawned on manhatten with a Sabre with hordes of Diamondbacks and went after me.

Needless to say, we eventually banned the sucker.

i have the screenshots to prove it. anyone wants to see?

Edited by - aidanpryde on 23-04-2003 09:22:54

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:11 am


Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 7:16 am

cool.. just makes me wanna play on PVP.. whats that stand for anyways??
on lvl38, i went into rheinland and blew everything in sight into smithereens... kinda fun watching wave after wave of police and military coming at you and you start picking them off one by one..

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 8:22 am


Isn't that a picture of the Rutan prototype space craft? I read the jet hauls it and three people up to around 60,000ft then it's dropped and they light off the engine and boost up to just outside the atmosphere and glide back down. It's supposed to be in the running for the X Prize - a $10 million prize to the first successful privately designed/operated space flight ;-)

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 7:14 pm

I got bored once and sold all of my guns (was in a titan with many level 10 guns) and replaced them with missles. I only used the top of the line stuff, like cannon balls, and those firestalker things, plus rippers and sunslayers. It is crazy losing that much cash per full missle salvo.

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 8:08 pm

Hehe... okay I suppose it's evil to stalk a player and blow them up right outside the docking ring, but the guy i killed was starting to piss me off plus I got a very amusing reaction from him. He was a very high lvl n00b using a rhino, continuely doing runs... somehow that annoyed me, so I was going through a tradelane and found him outside the tradelane heading to Planet Denver. I canceled tradelane and parked outside the docking ring waiting for him to get his cargo. When he came out, I blocked the docking ring and proceeded blow him up. Unfortunately, Sabre with uber weapons + weak rhino = no cargo for me. He respawned back at Planet Denver and I blew him up again with a torpedo before the police scanned me because I was carrying crack. When I talked to him to "apologize," the convo went like this:

Me: I'm sorry I thought you were a rogue
Him: That's okay, I thought it was funny too
Me: I see you're going through a lot of systems, what are you doing?
Him: Doing some trading
Me: Do you need help?
HIm: No, that's alright, I killing some police right now to up my rep.
Me: Where are you?
Him: *silence*

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:31 am

I HAVE to go multiplayer! !Feel like I'm wasting my time now on singleplayer.

But i went mp several times but last time got blown up by some asshole wit a sabre all the time.
Since then didn't go mp again

(figured all mp people where stupid funspoilers....)

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 7:42 am

My fun suggestion:

Be a pirate. Don't take missions. Don't haul cargo. Pirate loot and sell it. Fly pirate ships, never touch a civilian or house ship. And not just the high-level ships, how about:

Bloodhound ( very good early pirate ship, lots of cargo and firepower ),
Wolfhound ( crap, but experience it once. makes you feel like a real pirate! )

Dagger, Stiletto ( balanced killing machines ),

Legionairre, Centurion ( low-profile, high-powered ).

The amount of money you'll make will surprise you, if you keep your eyes open. Occasionally, transports will be carrying expensive items you can redeem for over a thousand a piece in-system or one jump away. Try doing that with your long-haul cargo runs.

*Just wanted to reply to this:

"Unfortunately, Sabre with uber weapons + weak rhino = no cargo for me."

You don't get cargo from other players in multiplayer.


YOU DO NOT GET CARGO FROM KILLING PLAYERS, regardless of the fact that they lose it. As an experienced pirate, I can tell you I've never gotten cargo from a player, except when I've asked for half of it to let them go. You want cargo, you'll have to kill NPCs.

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 9:32 am

Well I like setting long term goals that take forever like my current one made evry faction at least neutral at you. I don't even think this is possible but I try

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