Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:25 am by WarPig
The idea behind the type I is actually a pretty good one, and not too far off from us, technically speaking. We've already developed solar panels used in space for powering space stations, satellites, etc.. Why not create more and more solar panels and energy collection facilities to help ease the burden here on Earth? The only hitch I can think of in the initial phases (before we start creating habitats) would be energy deliverance. A globe of energy collectors around the sun (or even part of a globe) could very well solve our energy problems until we could build onto them and expand our own living space. Far-fetched, yes, but incomprehensible, no! The fact that the idea is almost 50 years old amazes me. It's the engineering of the thing(s) that will baffle scientists. In any case, it's a great theory, and if we could ever put it into practice, an energy/space surplus would cause an increase in other technological advances, basically a snowball effect. It's all good! In theory, of course...
The difficult we do immediately; the impossible just takes longer.