Ghost Ship: The Spirits of The Fallen Wander The Halls
When I first saw the Hispania (which I heard so much of) I wanted to do something that no one has done before, in order to better understand what happened, I took a closer look. I took some pictures too.
As you can see, (#1) the side of the Hispania hit something, such as an asteroid or something in that sense. There is also a hole cut deep in the side of the ship.
This next picture, which shows 2 engines (A and B ) and a hole in the center with an obsturction in it is what I am led to believe is evidence of an explosion which destroyed the center engine. The obstruction is the remnants of the center engine.
This is a picture of the inside where the hole in the side of the ship is. It seems that the explosion (caused by a bomb or some other device) blasted through the narrow tunnel and, assuming that the area was damaged during the exodus, blew off that part just before reaching the pods (C). the pressure left over from the explosion, not the explosion itself, blew off the nose of the ship not harming the passangers.
This is a picture of the front (made valid by the fin on the lower left). You can see that the pressure popped the top off, again, there is no evidence that the pods were damaged or blown away.
Here is the full story. Shortly before the launch, a Coalition spy tried to set bombs on the sleeper ships. He/She managed to plant one, on the engine of the Hispania, but during the surprise attack by the Coalition on Jupiter, the Alliance was forced to launch the sleeper ships one right after the other (as seen in the introduction cinematic) frying the spy to crispy nonperfection. Breaking through the Coalition blockade (against all odds) they must have damaged the Hispania's left side (which makes sense because all of the sleeper ships were in the background in the introduction cinematic). With the Britionia's engine damaged, (as they tell us) there is no doubt that the Coalition had the firepower to damage any part of the sleeper ships.
When the Hispania arrived at the Omicron Alpha system, (pre-determined by the ship's on-board computer) The bomb, having a speed guage fuse, sensed the stop and blew. This explosion rocked through the ship, blew off the damaged left side of the ship, funneling the power of the explosion out (hence the debris field on the left side on the ship). The steam pressure then blew the cap off the ship, not harming the frail human cargo.
The Hispanians (assuming they had space suits on) left the pods and took whatever provisions and supplies they could. The Outcasts landed on Malta and the Corsairs flew to the other system.
If anyone would like to varify or clarify this claim, I would like to know what I missed or inaccurate information.
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
A talking pig.
Pigs can’t talk.
Neither can penguins, but I can’t shut him up[! Wait till you get a load of the dancing candelabra…
Edited by - RadiologistRebooted on 11-04-2003 03:31:59
Edited by - RadiologistRebooted on 11-04-2003 05:36:43
Edited by - RadiologistRebooted on 11-04-2003 05:38:15