Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:13 pm by Zaratomb
Usualy mining or wreck salvage I use a single gun, but my point of view comes from larger battles I have been in against corsairs/outcasts/bounty hunter vhfs. I use 4 nomad weapons solely because I like my tracer rounds and an almost unlimited supply of energy to support them tracers, now take my fighting style (which I usually do) and put 4 of the highest single shot damaging cl10 weapons on there I can find,even with a 2.0 fire rate, within seconds those tracers have turned into sporatic poofs as my reactor is melting down trying to keep up with my now depleted energy reservs. I suffer from extreme fingerus always on the fire buttonitis, heck I even try to fire my guns when cruising, I just love that fire button. There are a lot of good posts on this forum and in general forum that covers almost every weapon stat/loadout to cover almost any fighting style, practice a bit and you will find the one that works best for you. hehe, my immediate combat area looks something like the death blossom going off in Last Starfighter.