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LvL 40

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Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:11 pm

LvL 40

Something weird happened to me this morning...I was shooting up some Hessians trying to neutralize my faction so I could land on Baden Baden, when I got one of the level-up messages saying that I had reached Level 40. I didn't believe it, but I double checked and my stats menu said 40...I can't figger out how the hell that happened. AFAIK 38 is the tops...what gives? If no one believes me, I have the screen shot to prove it. I don't have a website to host the pics on, so if someone wants to see it, lemme know and I'll email to you, and someone else may possibly post it. I'm still scratching my head on this one. I also took a couple shots of my Sabre with the two extra hardpoints activated...8 main guns, plus the turret, plus torpedo launcher...sweeeet.

"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges[!"

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:12 pm

This happened in MP, I presume?

Edited by - Nephilim on 03-04-2003 21:12:33

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:17 pm

Any chance you have some type of mod running? There is a mod out there that will give you higher levels and it could be possible that someone included that particular mod in one of his mods.

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:35 pm

This happened in SP, LOONG after I finished the campaign. Also negative on the mods. The only modifications to the game that have been made were editing some ship stats (activated the two extra sabre hardpoints, played with the engines to boost speed, increased cargo bay amount on a few ships)

Multiplayer hasn't been that fun for me...because It's such a PITA to increase my cash to buy new ships...Starfliers suck...

"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges[!"

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 9:47 pm

Post me the sreenshot to [email protected] and i will tell you what is the problem... or the miracle.

Shelak the corsair

Long live to corsairs

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 9:56 pm

-.- my friend edited my game last night and I woke up and it said I was level 100.. I was scared.

He edited all the INI's... weirdo.

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 10:12 pm

pic has been sent.

"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges[![![!"

Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 8:08 am

What uh... benefits do we gain from being level 40? If nothing is changed then there's not much of a point to do so now is there?

Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 10:39 am

IN MP, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY...BUY YOURSELF THE BIGGEST FREIGHTER YOU CAN, GET A BUDDY, AND RUN IN CONVOY- dIAMONDS FROM NEW Berlin to New tokyo- then Engine Parts to Cambridge- then gold to New berlin. Run that circuit 2 or 3 times... you'll have all the money you'll ever need to get a righteous ship (Titan is the best).

If you stay tight and run in formation with your convoy partner- you can fend off anybody in the govt systems- just keep heading for the way points- your in a freighter, you don't have to kill them you just need to hold them off. Once you get your death machine (Titan)- you can extract all the payback you want- and at a phenomonal pace. I bought the ship, decked it out and only had 199 credits left- I played 4 hours and now have 1.8 million burnin a hole in my pocket.

Try to stay in good with the corsairs, they offer jobs in Omicron Gamma- that pay 130k a shot. I don't cheat- don't see the need. The hardest part is just getting the Titan- once you have it your set. You can take a few jobs there to get your ship decked out, also you can raid some wrecks for some level 10's- once your ready- you can turn to the darkside and rape and pillage with impunity.

I shy away from missles, decent missle cost too much money- get guns- teach yourself some fire discipline and you won't even miss them. Same goes for mines, decent mines cost too much money- I "acquired" a Swatter launcher from some poor soul and keep it filled to the brim. I used it as a last resort with the freighters (have yet to see the need with the Titan) Get yourself a torpedo launcher (Sunslayer- Brochele Base, Frankfort) in case a capital ship trys to break in on your raping and pillaging...then use your thrusters- get in close and lay a spread- Sunslayers are 7.3k a piece so make a couple runs and only use what you have too.

The key here is you need to walk before you run- get yourself set up right and you'll be the scourge of the universe.

PS- Eagles and sabres are nice ships, they look very cool spiraling out in front of me and blowing up. Don't listen to the hype or lower yourself to cheating- get the Titan- you will not regret it.

Heres my set up-

Class 10 shield
2 blue blazes
2 thors hammer
1 salamanca
1 reaver mk 2
Sunslayer lancher
Swatter Mines
Advanced Thrusters
Advanced Counter measures
I had to use sheild batteries once, and then only because I thought I was in a quiet sector (waiting for my prey...)and hit the head- by the time I got back- some red Hessians had found me and were wailing away, I hit the f key, and my thrusters and dispatched those brigands in less than 90 seconds- all eight of them.

I don't need to hit anybody too many times before they become scrap metal.

Enjoy- best game since Privateer (not Privateer 2).

Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 11:06 am

hey !! gimme a copy too !! at [email protected]

thx... i'll have to check that out.

presently, my world is upside down, so if u do not mind, u'll have to tok to my a$$

Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 11:56 am

My stats seem a bit wierd too.....


Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:27 pm

Nice one there warp. Uncle Greenstench's bean emporium can help you get your next level, hehe.

Edited by - Zaratomb on 04-04-2003 17:09:06

Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 3:12 pm

I think its because you gained a very very huge lot of money (124,000,000???)at the same time and you just break out the limit...

Shelak the corsair

Long live corsairs

Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 3:17 pm

I'm happily Lvl 38 with a Sabre that is almost the way I want it...

2x Jade
2x Diamondback
2x Wyrm 1
1x flamecurse turret
1x sunslayer
1x driller mine
1x adv. countermeasures
1x adv. thruster.

The only thing it needs is a class 10 shield, then I'll be happy as a clam.

BTB, how long does it take for a derelict's loot to regenerate in SP? I think I wanna swing by sigma-13 and pick up a few more diamondbacks/jades, but I waited several hours and the lot still hadn't come back.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Officer: "Freelancer, what happened to the transport you were escorting?"
Me: "He told me my ship looked wierd...I invited him to have intimate relations with my SunSlayer"

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 10:29 am

I haven't had any derelicts replenish themselves yet, and I beat the SP missions at around 20 hrs playing time...I've been continuing on, now in an Eagle instead of a Sabre...have it setup with 4 Nomad Canons as the primaries, plus a modded Adv. Stunpulse, a Salmanca II, Sunslayer, and modded Javelin missile (I removed the necessity of having ammo, and also increased the velocity of such weapons to make them usable...20m/sec is pretty pathetic. Missiles launched by today's fighter aircraft fly quite a bit faster than the fighters that launch them...makes no sense to have missile-type weapons flying so slooooooooow...also makes it too easy to shoot the silly things outta the sky. Bad side effect though has been that, when you remove the need for ammo...they automatically join the rest of your arsenal in firing all at once unless you deselect it. I didn't notice this until I was in a furball with Rogues and Xenos over Manhatten, and the police were in large missiles and torps fired along with the blasters, and some idiot cop thought that the best place for his ship was in my firing path...instantly I went from neutral to hated by the navy and the police. Took me another half an hour or so running from police and blasting Xenos and Rogues to gain enough faction to land on the military outposts, where I then bribed my way back into the good graces of the LPI and LNF. The cardamine I smuggled in last time I played didn't seem to bother them much either. They ordered me to drop it, I refused, landed on the planet, and all was hunky dory...tho they did start shooting when I was landing, when I got back into space it was like nothing had happened.

"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges[![![!"

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