Best Trade Routes
you're new here ? no just kidding.
Well once you finished the campaign, perhaps you'll be looking
for money in order to upgrade your ship, weapon, shield etc...
And to level UP...
Here is my advices and a table of the best Trade Routes I found.
Here is the link to the table :
- first make a few money with "houseclearing" missions
- Keep the Order Very Heavy Fighter (Anubis) you have at the end
of the campaign for the moment.
- Try to load expansive stuff like diamonds, consumer luxury goods etc...
- Make two or three trades like berlin / new tokyo (refere to table)
- Download a big complete MAP
You'll soon have enough money to buy a real freighter.
I choosed the Humpback (250 cargo for 170.000$, located in New Berlin)
Make some deals again, and you'll soon be rich.
As your freighter is not very good for fight, if you're followed,
run forest, run ! And if there's a planet near you, turn around,
usually the bad guyz will fail following you and you will be able
to start your cruise engines again.