Why are my allies starting to hate me?
The Mollies had plenty of enemies, but no allies. It didn't take long before I was friendly with the Bretonian factions, and able to access their better equipment. I headed to Rheinland and started doing the same with the Unioners. Their only friends (as I recall) are the Bundschuh. They, likewise, have plenty of enemies. I was surprised, however, to see that after a couple of forrays against the Unioners, A LOT of factions were suddenly hostile to me, and others had gone neutral. The Dragons, GC, Hackers, Rogues, etc., didn't seem to like the fact that I was attacking the Unioners - a terrorist outfit. What the heck? Is there an error with the faction system, or something?
Oh yeah, I also have noticed a terrible problem with the Junkers on another account. Supposedly, they're neutral (although barely so anymore,) but everytime I encounter any, whether it's one or three, they're always hostile. They don't even bother with demanding cargo, they're automatically red. What's up with that?
For that matter, why do some accounts start out being allied with certain factions, like the Red Hessians, and others are not. I was surprised when a friend and I were neutral to the Hessians on our first encounter with them, while another friend flying with us was hostile. Are factions relations randomly determined at start-up for each character?
Okay, I'll stop asking questions now.