Sat Mar 22, 2003 4:56 am by rkcohs
cappo, the c10 weapons, as stated before, have no projectile type. What you are talkng about is just the particle effects. What "they" are talking about, is the reaction to shield types, which for all purposes on c10 weapons has no bearing, as they have no specific type value. When a weapon has a type value, it's sheild damage is reduced vs. certain types of shields. As an example, by changing one value, I can make a tachyon weapon behave like a laser weapon vs. Positron shields. It would still look, sound, and impact like a tachyon.. but it's shield damage vs. Positron shields would behave like a laser weapon.
I understand you're trying to fill in an info gap by comparing the projectiles to others to determine their type, but missing info isn't the case, the absence of the value makes them equally effective vs. all ship types.