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The best TRADE ROUTE there is

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Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:02 pm

The best TRADE ROUTE there is

Ok this is asked in alot of ways, but the best route in existance is explained in TONS of detail at my page here

There are NO popups or anoyances like that, I own the webspace. As for the page, I would just put it here, but I spent so damn much time typeing it out, and making it as informative as possible It deserves its own place... no really, its just a bit long to trouble the forums database with, just a curtesy thing...

Check it out. If you have comments, suggestions, fanmail, doubts, questions, corrections, or hatemail reply here.

Stop. Before you reply. The truth hurts, chances are if you hated what I said I was right

Edited by - ColdJustice on 19-03-2003 16:05:11

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:24 pm


First of all before you invest your 4 hours reading, please note, this route DOES NOT waste time going into systems where you need class 10 ships, 85 jumpholes, 2 wingmen, and 35 trade lane hops just to make a buck. So please dont post better routes that are longer, less proffitable, or unrealistic to someone that hasn't beaten the game. Its realistic, and I'm rich using it, so Im sharing.

I first ran this trip in a falcon. You can buy that in your first hour of gameplay. It's possible. Now, I have 13 Mill, and don't care to make more.

I have been to every system, every base (even the planet of the apes, primus; although that has nothing to do with this of course) and hands down the best trade route is about to be revealed. This factors in a number of things. Those being: Route, Trip length, investment (how much it costs per item to buy), Overall Trip costs, Overall trip funds after resale, ROI (return on Investment, or proffit), and risk.

This is a LONG report on every detail of the trip. It *could* be more complete but I think I would have MORE complaints...

If you dont care about the math, thats fine, for you simple people I made a summary of the whole thing.


Buy Diamonds on Planet New Berlin.
Planet New Berlin > Planet New Tokyo.
Buy Niobum on Planet New Tokyo.
Planet New Tokyo > The Ring.
dont buy anything at the ring, go back to the start

Oh dont forget to sell when you arrive somewhere... DUH

Not that long for the proffit, 5 stars.
(That is unless you get lost.)

(Or should I say 'cost' since this is the simplif... easy version.)
Each Diamond crate costs 396
Each Niobium crate costs 512

(This is the easy version, why do you care? Spend all you have!)
how many things you buy, multiplied (use a calculator if it helps) by how much it costs. That is the trip cost. Batteries NOT included.

(no not a scholorship for people that can't balance when they walk)
Whatever you sell your payload for, that is Overall trip funds.

What did it cost?
What did it sell for?
subtract those
thats what your return on cost is.

(no not the game, think of this like taking a math test you might not pass)
What are the things that play into this trip that might make it cost you more then you want it to. Those are your risks. No free is not an option. Go home.

Now to the big kids,


TL - Trade Lane
JG - Jump Gate
ROI - Return on Investment
C = Cost
D = Diamonds
N = Niobium
Q = Quantity
DQ = Diamond Quantity (specifically)
NQ = Niobium Quantity (specifically)
SV = Sell Value

Start at PLANET NEW BERLIN, New Berlin (located at F5, New Berlin)
a TL dock to Frankfurt JG
b JG dock to Frankfurt System (located at G4, New Berlin)
c TL dock (3 times) to Sigma-13 JG
d JG dock to Sigma-13 System (only other JG)
e TL dock (3 times) to Honshu JG
f JG dock to Honshu System (only other JG)
g TL dock (3 times) to New Tokyo JG
h JG dock to New Tokyo System (located at B5, Honshu)
I TL dock to Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo
End at PLANET NEW TOKYO, New Tokyo (located at D6, New Tokyo)


This ONLY differs in ONE way. Instead of selling you Niobium on Planet New Berlin, dock at the station JUST outside of the planet called 'The Ring'. They buy the Niobium at the right price. Then just hop over to Planet New Berlin to get more diamonds.

12 Trade Lane jumps
04 Jump Gates
5 stars visited (including the start and end points)
3 stations (Planet New Berlin, Planet New Tokyo, The Ring)

Diamonds: 396 EACH
Niobium: 512 EACH

Note this vastly depends on 3 majior factors, cargo space, your factions with any groups along the way (bad faction with corsairs for example is going to make you loose your trade lane jump from time to time and mean some fighting), and how well you pilot your vessel out of bad situations.

Here is a basic run through of costs to give you an idea of one round trip in a Humpback freighter. I would not reccomend doing this run in a less 'durable' freighter, though until you can afford to fill it, a fighter makes the run nicely.

Get ready for some math
That means it will cost you the diamond price (396) multiplied by the Quantity you buy, plus the total of the Niobium price (512) multiplied by the Quantity you buy.

100 items each way, the math looks like this
C=(39,600 to New Tokyo)+(51,200 to New Berlin)
Cost= 90,800 Credits worth of supplies (round trip)

I know not everyone is going to have that kind of cash, well thats ok if you can buy just 5,000 credits worth of diamonds, your ROI will be worth it all, and most importatly it will give you enough money after the run to repeat it with alot more then you did the first time. This run snowballs fast.

Now remember, if you get attacked along the way, and end up needing sheild batteries, good 'ol nanos, added countermeasures, missles, mickey mouse ears, or whatever fancies you, your looking at added expence. Try not to blow your wad on any one run, if you die your SOL.

5. OVERALL TRIP FUNDS (after resale)
This is how much money you will have after one trip. This is NOT PROFFIT! This is how much money you will get for selling your cargo

more math
wow crazy math ok basically you take your start funds, take out your inital diamond cost (thats the -396 that will be multiplied by Qty), then get all your goods' sell value, and viola.

going with the previous example, I buy 100 Diamonds, and 100 Niobuim this trip. I have 500,000 credits to start. ok so 500,000 minus my 100 diamonds is 460,400. Now I sell my diamonds for 1650 each, giving me 625,400. Now buy 100 Niobium at 512 each. That leaves me with 574,200. Now I finish the run and sell the Niobium, giving me a end total of 718,200.

(my favorite)
This one is easy so I had my little sister do the math for me. Take what it costs you to make the run, subtract that from how much total money you sold your goods for, and viola! On this particular route your ROI is about 240% proffit. Meaning for every 100 you invest, you will get 240 credits back.

heres the math
so my friends, the ROI on the above example goes like this
ROI = (100 diamonds * (1650 - 396)) + (100 Niobium * (1440 - 512))
ROI = (100 diamonds * (1254)) + (100 Niobium * (928))
ROI = (125,400 from diamonds) + (92,800 from Niobium)

(my least favorite one)
Ok lets be forward in Freelance there is risk to every venture you set out to do, unless it involves uising a Titan to shoot down anything in the New York System. So heres what you need to keep in mind on this ultamate proffit cargo run.
1. FACTIONS - Factions, did I say factions yet? It may be wise to make the run with only a small amount of your money invested the first time, get an idea of just what groups you will encounter! This run can be smothe sailing if you know what to expect and build your faction for it.
2. Ok so if factions didnt cover every risk there is, the SUN is another. Dont fly into it. Don't look too long at it, or chances are your going the wrong way...
3. If the run I mapped out is above your play level, try going through new york, the LONG way to tokyo, or waiting until you have a real machine.

Just remember, what you spend on goods is only proffit if you make it to the end alive, use however many mines you need, however many shield batts or nanos you need to, to get there alive! If you have to spend more on survival then the ROI covers, then you aren't carrying enough cargo with you. In a humpback thats full, I could afford to buy full nano's and sheilds at every stop along the way ten times with the profit from one trip.

ONE HUGE TIP: if your having trouble but are as determined as I am, use the formation command(F4) and form with a freight group going your way - hey the more the enimy has to shoot at the less fire your being hit with right?

Lastly, what the hell does all this mean I can make in my damned ship anyway!

ok lets assume you are full to the max with the following ships. Here is what it will cost (on just the goods) to make the trip (both ways), how much cash the trip is worth (what will I end up with if buying diamonds puts me at 0), and what is sheer profit(how much money am i making that i didnt have to spend).

Rhino - Prbably death, feel free to make a noble effort
COST: 72,640
CASH: 247,200
PROFFIT: 174,560 heehe only if you make it

Mule - Prbably death, feel free to make a noble effort
COST: 81,720
CASH: 278,100
PROFFIT: 196,380

Clydesdale - first one it *might* be reasonable to use, provided factions are good
COST: 113,500
CASH: 386,250
PROFFIT: 272,750

Drone - This'l do the trick, but I refuse to pilot something as ugly as this.
COST: 158,900
CASH: 540,750
PROFFIT: 381,850

Humpback - Oh here is my choice. This doesn't have the *Most* cargo space of all the ships, but it is certainly the most robust one available for the capacity. Not to mention easier to get your hands on. One stat no ship profile has is how many guns can be shot in EVERY direction. Well with this one, and its 8 mounts, it has a MINIMUM of 5 guns smacking that trade looter at ANY angle.
COST: 227,000
CASH: 772,500
PROFFIT: 545,500 Thats half a MILLION per run!! Pay some 'fighter' in multiplayer 100,000 to escourt you both ways, nevermind that your making 5 times that

Dromedary - Never made the run with 'er, but I'm sure she'll do the trick
COST: 249,700
CASH: 849,750
PROFFIT: 600,050 yeah thats 600k cool credits in your pocket.

FINAL NOTE: If you find an incorrect figure, chances are i miss typed it, but feel free to make the correction if your IQ allowes you to make the correction with ACCURACY.

And so ends the longest post I ever want to make (which ended up turning into a webpage to avoid pasting this into a reply to the question "whats a good trade route?" asked over and over. I hope it frusterates the masses, and helps both of you... at least I helped you two...


Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:26 pm

ok well there it is. Go to the site, or read it above, makes no differance to me.

Before you reply just remember, the truth hurts.
Now chances are if you hated what I said I was right

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:42 pm

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:48 pm

Kinda nice to have all that in one place and not have to troll several threads to get the bits and pieces you need

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 9:21 pm

Isn't is faster to use the New Berlin Sigma 13 Jump Hole? Or is this another SP only option?

For what money is involved I would take the extra time and go to Solarius Station (Omega 11) to New Tokyo.

Then again I always make sure Red Hessian, Outcasts & Corsairs are neutral

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:18 pm

The Sigma13 jump hole isnt functionnal in MP...

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:09 am

New Berlin -> Sigma 13 Jump Hole quicker? Yes, I believe it is. Depending on your rep, it can also help to avoid potential enemy patrol routes.

And can somebody please point this guy at a spell checker....


Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:31 am

Blast your way to neutrality to the outcasts... then...
Planet Manhattan, New York- purchase H-Fuel
Detroit Munitions, New York- sell h-fuel, purchase small arms
Montezuma base, Cortez- sell small arms, purchase cardamine
Planet Manhattan, New York- sell cardamine, purchase h-fuel and repeat as you see fit

three star systems total traveled through, total 15 minutes round-trip, and nearly 500k per run after purchasing the Dromedary(found in the magellan system, simply bounce through the jump hole near Montezuma). Once I had the funds I picked my favorite faction(In my case, the Bounty Hunters Guild) and built my rep accordingly by blasting all thier enemies. If you so chose, you could continue doing this run until you had a quite vast sum... but at the least, barely-neutral status with outcasts is a must... and the liberty rouges neutrality helps too... when passing through claifornia. Even in a starflier you can earn 20k per trip... more than enough to gain a rhino your first or second run. After the rhino you'll gain around 100k per trip, I'd reccomend at least 250k in the bank before switching to the dromedary.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:00 am


That's a great run to. I just get bored of it after a while.
Manhattan -> lux. good -> New London
New London -> lux. food -> Manhattan

That's another one I like. Maybe not the best.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:41 am

I think the best route is:
Cardamine: Yanagi Depot (Sigma-13) => Planet New Berlin (New Berlin)
$840 profit per unit
Engine Components: Planet New Berlin (New Berlin) => Yanagi Depot (Sigma-13)
$299 profit per unit

It takes 5 min 10 max. You have to be friendly with the junkers.

No Blood For Oil

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:42 am

its only good with sigma-13 jumphole which is disabled in MP

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:50 am

I am surprised that so many people have not mentioned the initial investment for cargo as being an important factor when calculating the value of a trade route.

While I might be able to pull a hefty profit hauling diamonds, I may have to sink 400/unit or more into buying them. If I have a dromedary I end up spending 400 x 275 = $110,000 for my cargo.

Unfortunately in MP, if I get destroyed between my start and destination, I lose the entire investment. I prefer cheaper materials with higher yields. Two trade runs that I do often are:

Pittsburgh, New York : Boron for $120/unit --> LD-14, Leeds 900/unit (780/unit profit) Initial Investment Only $33,000 while the profit is $214,000.

Another good trade route:

Planet Honshu, Honshu Engine Components 150/Unit to Mactan Base, Magellan for $1,424/ unit (thats $1,274/unit profit). With a full dromedary you can make $350,000 PROFIT in a single trip. Not to mention that you will encounter few enemies other then junkers or dragons along the way if you have bribed the lane hackers.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:25 am

Stupid question perhaps. But how do I do one of those runs while being only
at level 8 with Liberty Navy being pissed?

I guess that if my ass shows of in Liberty space I get the **** beaten out.

I am flying a crusader with 4 Pyros guns and wonder what's next ...

Do I need to take missions to make more money and am I stuck in Great
Britain right now (war bullies ;-) )

I mean, how do I get more cash ;-)

I know that this is a bot off topic but anyways ... well, thanks


Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:23 am

Kaeptan, you DON'T make those runs when you're only level 8, in the story, and liberty hates you. That's the answer You might want to consider

Honshu (Engine components/Optronics) -> Cambridge
Cambridge (Luxury food) -> Honshu

This is a pretty good route in general, and you can also avoid liberty and go through the tau's. But you'll be smacking into lots of Outcasts and Corsairs.

Personally, I enjoy making a Cambridge (Luxury food) -> Hawaii run. Since it's so long, it's not very time efficient. But it's feels more adventurous, and I get to tell people I'm going to Hawaii.

I've not particularly impressed with the initial trade route suggested above. New Berlin -> New Tokyo is a fairly long trip, and the relatively high base price of the commodities reduces max profit somewhat. For instance, the "meat run" between Cambridge and Manhattan, in a Drone, makes about 280,000 profit round-trip, which is less than the original route's 380,000 profit in a Drone, but the trip is also about half the length, through usually less dangerous space.


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