Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:35 pm

I enjoy the titan for exploring in rad zones, the extra hull str and extra nano capacityis a plus, Some prefer the Sabre as it has a forward firing turret, and manuvers better than a titan at the cost of a little hull and nano/shield battery capacity. The Eagle is the most maneuverable of the heavy fighters with less hull and nano/shield battery capacity. Heard there is a slight difference in energy capacity favoring the titan line, but have not experimented yet, when you get nomad weaponry you won't care about energy anyway.

Honestly I think they over did it with the Nomad weaponry, super punch with no power drain, where do you go from there? Guess the weapon just sucks cosmic radiation from a n-dimensional rift created in the holding chamber of the gun and releases it in a directed charge.