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Best way to improve faction w/ Outcast, Molly, Junkers?

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 6:59 am

Best way to improve faction w/ Outcast, Molly, Junkers?

Well now I am in Leeds and I tried to go to New London and BAM I get pounced by Junkers and Outcast and Mollys...sigh.

See, I took lots of hunter/kill missions early in SP in Liberty, and had a rough rough time getting any trading done as I was beset by these factions EVERYWHERE.

Ok, ANY idea how I can improve my standing with those guys? I avoided pounding the Xeno's in Liberty cause I was told not to bother worrying bout factions, but now all Liberty hates me AND this red negative faction has followed me.

Any Xenos in the Bret system? I cant get back to Liberty as of now... Any other methods???


Edited by - Mc1csmo on 17-03-2003 06:59:00


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:16 am

Ur best bet is Xenos in the base where they spawn.
Its in the Texas system on the top right asteroid field.

They come in packs of 5 or so and are pretty hard unless ur using something like a sabre.

If u got a crap ship, go to the Silverton mine field and take on the crappy xenos.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:29 am

Where's the silverton Mine field?

please keep in mind, I am in Leeds, and Liberty basically hates me, ALL Liberty, so traveling conventional ways is not going to fly heh.

So I am hopeing Silverton is close by the Bretonia area.


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:42 am

I guess I should be more specific: How would I get to the NEAREST area where there are any abundances of Xeno's?

I know they are in Kelper system, and they are also in the Colorado system in Ouyer base.

NOTE - I am in SP and outlaw in Liberty systems, so I need a roundabout way to get there WITHOUT going thru the shortest jump paths thru Liberty.

ANY HELP?? plz

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:43 am

unfortunately no.
Texas is what you might think of as DEEP withing Liberty space.
Its not on the edge of anything so its pretty hard to get to it.
All of Liberty hates you, so don't forget all trade lanes are out of question because they will appear as red to you and will disrupt by them selves if you travel in them and start firing at you too.
So best if you keep searching the Bretonia space for some person in a bar that could improve your relation with Mollies or such for a fee.
I haven't found such person and I'm looking for basically the same thing yuo are.

Are you hoping to be good with Mollies so as to be able to buy the wolfhound ship on their base???
Its probably not gonna happen but its worth a try.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:53 am

Well I guess I will just tough it out till I can get to the New Tokyo System.

Seems the Samura version of the Xeno's (in faction affects) are the Hogoshan's. They are enemies to Outcast, Junkers and such. Don't know bout Mollies though.

Sigh, DAMN the SP gives method to correct this it seems. I took some poor advice too and instead of pounding xeno's into dust for a while, I kept on going in the main plot and now I am a LOOOONG ways away from any Xeno's.

Man traveling about is going to be a chore now. I'd hack the damn faction if I knew how, lol.

ALSO - it's not in the Texas system, it's in Colorado, in Oyer Base, south of Peblo Station. Maybe there'e another place in Texas, but I need to get to Colorado. Seems there are jumps to Kelper (also Xeno's there) and Galileo systems to get there, but I don't have a clue how to get there from Leeds.

Any other suggestions appreciated.


Edited by - mc1csmo on 17-03-2003 07:56:26

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:57 am

best not go improving factions until you completed SP since they will get messed up the moment you start the next mission

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:04 am

Ok THIS is the kind of advice that, though I know you are trying to help, got me into this situation.

I was in Liberty before I became an outlaw in the sector. I was GOING to hunt some Xeno's for a few hours and that would have basically helped me out immensly. But I was told that I shouldn't bother cause the SP shifts alliances b/w some missions.

Well now I am several jumps away, a darn good distance and I can't even think of trying to get to these guys. AND I am beset by every junker/outlaw and such wherever I go cause I was dumb enuff to take the hunter killer missions early on.

So is there some suggestions on a fix, rather than another 'don't do it' type?

I do appreciate the help, but I need to fix this. I am simply not able to handle the hoard of these guys at EVERY jump point at level 8, lol. I can't even get one trade route done! heh

Thanks for any suggestions on a solution (as opposed to avoiding one).

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