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HELP!!! I can''t get through the race mission!!!!

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Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 4:21 pm

HELP!!! I can''t get through the race mission!!!!

My hand-eye coordination must be really bad, but i just can't pass this damned mission... I did everything ppl on the site posted, but it hasn't worked for me.
Can anybody tell me where i can get a saved game for this? (email [email protected])

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 4:26 pm

try try again

its not a matter of hand eye coordination, its a matter of how fast you fly and how fast you turn

if you got a problem with this mission, imagine the last few ones...

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 4:37 pm

If you're flying a freighter, try buying the light fighter they sell on the Battleship Hood. Sorry, but you probably won't get very far in the campaign with a freighter, as it should be apparent by now.

If you're having problems with the mouse, and always overshoot your target, try lowering the sensitivity. All you have to do then is point where you want to go and keep the mouse on the target, and the ship will go there.

Engage cruise mode at the beginning of your race (Shift+W) and don't use the autopilot (F2). You do not need to pass Hovis, towards the end of the race he'll make a mistake and you'll be easily able to catch up.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:18 pm

Yep... I'm getting a lot closer to him, but even when playing a diiff level=0, i still can't get catch up to him... and the bastard had them shoot at me the only time i ever attained a lead. I'm flying the fighter, doin' everything right... I really think a saved game is my only choice.

Your friendly neighborhood commie

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:31 pm

You are using cruise mode from the start, right?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:43 pm

yea, i'm using cruise the whole way, and he always stays a little ahead of me, with no accidents at the end

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:38 pm

I read something on this board that you could change hovis' freighter to a battleship. I forget how to do it but its possible.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:53 pm

only thing i can think of is if you use cruise distributer thingys i forgot what they called if you knock him outa cruise you easy won.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:42 pm

or jus change the time to charge up the cruise engine i've tryed it and its kind of funny your oponent is still getting his engines ready and you are at full speed

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:00 pm

I think this is simply a case where 'try harder' is the optimal answer. If you are immediately turning on the cruise engine and are not flying a freighter or missing rings, there is absolutely no reason you should lose. Just stay on the inside corners and go through.. that's it.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:15 pm

i got this with the 3rd try. i changed from outside view to inside-cockpit view with strg-v for the race. dunno but it was kinda easier. i hopeit will help

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:08 pm

How do you change the time it takes for the cruise to initialize?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:48 pm

I can't get past this mission either! The stearing etc isn't the problem. It's my cruise engine that keeps being shut down and I can't figure out by what

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:34 pm

I just beat what I think is the whole campaign. I just knocked out the alien station and everything is peachy again. I jumped from level 17 to 26 at the end.

And on topic, I beat that race thing the very first try, with a freighter no less. Just keep trying. I thought it was super easy.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:09 am

Yeah, for some reason there's a glitch on some instances where your cruise engines will shut down...never encountered it in this mission, though.

Just make sure you're using FREEFLIGHT, and not the "go to" fly mode, as "go to" will shut down your engines when .85k from your target.

At the end, he started to shoot cruise disruptors at me, so i just started dropping a bunch of countermeasures...have to drop it the moment you hear the warning, otherwise you were too slow and will get hit.

Did it in my first try in a heavy fighter I had bought accidently like 1 minute before the race. A light fighter helps, but as the person with the freighter said, it really doesn't matter.

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