Sun Mar 16, 2003 4:31 am by Mr_nStuff
I might do some more experimenting with thoughs missilies nStuff..
Like on the eagle.. Put the Firestalkers on one wing and the Paralyzer missiles on the other wing.. They will take up slots one and two.. Then in battle as you head towards your enemy.. Keep hitting 1, 2, 1, 2, then your fire button. That should do some damage..
So hit them with a paralyzer (like 8k shield damage) then a Firestalker (like 2.5k hull damage).. a couple times. time it to throw off their countermeasures.
Or you can go duel paralyzers.. One of them will bring down lvl10 shields. Sending two at a time will increase the chances of getting past the countermeasures. With Paralyzers, three direct hits and they are out of battery packs before you even get into weapons range.
Edited by - Mr_nStuff on 16-03-2003 14:16:08