Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:34 am

Tension in Tau 23

Given this game's current problems and such which I won't bother repeating here, I thought maybe I'd share one of the few moments in Freelancer that has given me a rush.

So I'm about a level 25 or so and had just bought my new Falcon heavy fighter on Stuttgart. I'd been making some cash there in Stuttgart and Hamburg for last couple of game hours and decided I'd explore the fringe. I move into the Tau 31 system no problem and onward into the Tau 23 system (I had come here before when I was still in Bretonia during the SP missions and was owned by the Outcasts). I finally make it out into Tau 37 with no fight (surprise, surprise) and stop by Falkland Base.

This is where the fun begins... I know Freeport 10 is out there somewhere, but I'm not quite sure where, so of course I go out exploring in my, what I thought was at the time, near invincible Falcon. I get jumped by 3 Sabres. It was a good fight, but I end up the victor with a few shield batteries drained as well as a few nanobots. I go into cruise to keep on searching for Freeport 10 and near simultaneously as I do, three more sabres show up to jump me. And while I was busy fighting off those three, another pair of sabres show up. At this point, I knew it wasn't going to be good. In this fight, I lose my right wing with a Natter Zwei on it. Then I lose my left wing with an Adv. Devastator cannon on it. Of course to complicate matters more, I had no more shield batteries. And when all hope had failed, I look up and see Freeport 10 about 6 to 8 klicks off. Needless to say, I light the burners and run for it, dropping ripper mines every so often. My shields regen, but just barely and the four sabres behind me eat through those so it's me and my nanobots.

At about 2 klicks out, my hull is below 20%, no more nanobots. Finally I dock with Freeport 10. It was a crazy chase... what's more, I wasn't terribly friendly with the Zoners on that base so I couldn't buy any new guns to replace the two on my wings that I had lost. And I had at this point about 60K in the bank. I had to take on some missions to gain some money to bribe of the Outcasts. So I did and ended up taking on another formation of three Sabres, horribly outgunned, with only three of my own guns to speak of.

Where am I now? Malta, getting ready to raid the graveyard...