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no ones listening

Here you can suggest and discuss changes to the Lancers Reactor website as well as provide feedback on things small or large.

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:37 pm

no ones listening

it seems despite wanting the feedback of the community because we all use the site, that the plan from the very beginning was to do what you guys wanted. instead of the facade of asking what direction you want the site to go, it may be easier and save me from reading 8 odd pages of opinions (by far the most interesting thread OT has had for a while) if you just said. "Eraser wants Dungeon Seige forums so we're getting them, make way for RPG fans, we need the traffic."

Griffon_26 wrote

please not dungeon seige 2


I really do think that the idea is a slight turn for the worse

we're all trying to save TLR, get it back to the space sim talks of old and you guys seem ready to wash your hands of it in light of pastures new.


imho, range of coverage should be strictly limited to space sims or similar


space sims only. anything else and it becomes just a general games forum.


I think that TLR should stay with space games like HW2, FS2, FL and Nexus


I think space sims are the prevailing theme for this site and that expansion should be toward broadening space sims and "space" or future-settinged games.


I agree with whoever it was that said we should simply make Lancersreactor a space game site. It certainly sounds normal to take a space-sim site and turn it towards space in general.


I vote for the space flight sims for one!


Anyhow, what about space games only, nut just space sims ?

Seek the truth
Behold the truth
Reveal the truth
That is the law and the whole of the law

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:42 pm

Be patiant Arcon, there may be one in the near future.

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:31 pm


Nice job of collecting the opinions. As I recall, we were pretty much talked down to on this issue. Something to do with staleness, staying tied to MS and survival of the site.


I am not trying to make light of what you're saying. I happen to agree with your approach but it doesn't seem to have been accepted as a very practical one.

Edited by - Indy11 on 11/8/2004 6:49:35 PM

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:04 pm

i know. i was getting ready to spread my wings and visit other forums on TLR as well, i have just bought Freespace 2, guess i'll be in OT for the long haul.

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:16 pm

Oh no, Arcon. They are listenting. They just aren't listening to you. (And the bunch of other people you quoted.)

I did notice that there were quite a few people who supported the move (myself included), and you made no mention of them...

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:34 pm

I have to agree with codename here Mr. Arcon (a regular visitor or TLR.)

You're posting of only one side of a story really does and will continue to fall on deaf ears. How many times have you read the rules and regs actually? Any point of view presented clearly and and with solid merit is what posting here at the TLR really is all about. To post one side of the story makes your arguement and point crumble even before it had a chance to be build with foundation. Thats reality.

If I cared to, I am quite sure I could find just as many post saying this move was a welcomed event by just as many others as you have. I actually take offense to the fact your implying we're aren't listening to our visitors when in fact we ARE...just not everyone and maybe even not the majority. That my friend would be impossible to achieve anyway. But seriously, how often do people speak up when they are not complaining about something? Not very often, what's the point when they do they get chastized for brown nosing or accused of lobbying for moderators. Get real. We're moving ahead in a direction we feel will keep this site alive and well for many years to come. We're a mature group of die hard gamers and these forums should reflect that as we move ahead.

People who think into the future have always been scoffed at (Einstein comes to mind), why would it be any different here. Anyone reading this is more than welcome to tag along with us for the ride. We will continue to listen to our visitors, like we always have and will put our time, talents and efforts (for free I might add) into keeping this site active and worth the bookmark.

People don't like change...but change can be good. Give it a chance, you might like the new changes. Some changes have already been welcomed with open arms.

And Arcon, if you're going to post a quote out of this I'd appreciate you posting the entire thought and not pull a sentence out of context. Not saying you have here at all, I'm just protecting my post's point being made in it's entirety.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Creator of the original Privateer FAQ
3+ years here and still lovin' every minute!
Favorite saying - Life is a journey, not a destination

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:53 pm

i said it once, and i'll say it again, i'm all for change! if it means saving the community, hell yeah! why do people complain about what game they choose? it's not like we have to play the game. most of us regulars are off topic forum-goers anyway! so does it really matter what game we cover?

well thats my 2 bits.

Post Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:47 pm

I have to agree with Stinger Arcon, no offence, but thats 8 out of 18000+ members, and like was pointed out - there were plenty who agreed with the suggestions too.

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:08 am

Remember that you can't please everyone people .

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:36 am

*sigh* i wasnt giving a ballanced view of what was said, i was giving an anti dungeon seige thread.

went through all the posts and picked out the ones that talked about sticking with the space sim side of things. To be honest, there were only a handful of people (less than the space sim group) that wanted totally unrelated, dungeon seige type forums.

if you want to go and post all those who support the move like this, go right ahead. i got the impression that 5 or 6 people wanted ANYTHING new and 5 or 6 were for whatever the mods wanted/wanting dungeon seige

instead of a thread, did anyone think of running a poll, keeping an official headcount?

@chips, 18000+ people didnt talk on the thread though did they?
Hell i might not even have a leg to stand on if all mention of dungeon seige and whatever other new stuff you stick on the site can be hidden from my view forever. Alas, thats not implemented yet.

*****ing and fussing aside. i just thought there was more life in the debate. There seemed to be an overriding thought with the people i'd spoken to that the whole "process" was nothing more than the mods telling us what was going to happen and we had to shut up and like it. I think there's more to be said for options than just plumping with the first MS game that comes across.

Clearly the community is divided over which direction to go with the site and you're right, you cant please us all and i just felt like stretching my annoying legs about this and create a din. I just love this site far more than any other i've frequented...ever and with so many vets leaving and i can feel myself wanting to up and go myself but instead im gonna get more vocal about changes instead of just moaning that there needs to be some (so expect alot of rants in here )

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:09 am

Arc, you don't have to enable the DS options in the Customize menu you know

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:19 am

believe me, its disabled, but hilarious people stick ds under site news, like they stick EVERYTHING under site news or Freelancer.
I ONLY have starlancer and freelancer news shown, now i KNOW none of the news in the last year or so has anything to do with either of those.

PLUS your customise section is useless. it NEVER works.

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:53 am

Arcon, it appears that you just are not happy unless you can find something to complain about...
Whining isn't going to help us or the community one bit. Help us out instead of complaining...
We are working as much as we can in our spare time.

I haven't seen many people say hey thanks for providing us with a site where the staff listens to the community and spends 100's of hours maintaining it, all free to you.

We are limited in what games we can cover. Our generous host makes TLR possible so lets just say the we will probably will have to stick to Microsoft titles.

Hopefully we will be able to cover at least one more Space Sim.

We certainly don't mind suggestions and maybe even some help organizing all the site content...

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:28 am

you know, they sort elections by means of votes. that way, they please the majority. are the polls forgotten ? what about emailing every member of the site with the poll ? that might be seen as spam but those who care will vote. at the least gather the opinions of everyone, or at least as many as possible.

i have to say im disappointed that a space-oriented site decided to expand by way of a non-space-bound game. i was hoping some other reknown space game title like homeworld be covered first.


@modders and staff, that is not to say i dont appreciate the effort you pour into the site. i've myself attempted a website, but failed miserably. it just comes to show just how much effort you guys put in. and personally, i couldn't do it, at least not now.

think of it as an extremely strong suggestion by the regulars.

Edited by - kimk on 11/9/2004 7:29:17 AM

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:29 am

<sarcasm>Yeah! Let's cover Privateer, Elite, Homeworld and the Wing Commander series!</sarcasm>

Those games already have excellent communities and we chose to pick a game which hasn't been released yet. We thought DS would be a good game. But if you think another game will be better, come and join the staff and put alot of your free time in this website (without getting paid). </more sarcasm>

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