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Post Tue Aug 31, 2004 12:22 pm

Heh, i had forgotten about this.


I haven't seen you post in at least a week, and in case you are seeing this, i have edited out "guys" from my previous post. I generalise everyone as guys but i will change it to just peeps or nothing and just not generalise at all. I apologise.

Post Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:15 pm

Final - While I agree with you, I can completely understand Grom's irritation; AELK swas practically following him around the OT fourm, spouting completely inaccurate and grossly generalised sexist statements. Perhaps Grom went a little too far, but AELK was WAY out of line. I'm just glad that somebody told her to stop being such a generalising bigot.

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:28 am

@ BB wasnt meant @ you, I'm not bothered anymore It was simply a jab @ Esq for telling me to generalise

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 9/2/2004 11:30:10 AM

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:19 pm

well i going to speak out and say just what im thinking

to hell with those vets that want there own damn private forum. lets make the noobs feel even worse. i know Finalday does not want this! but anyone who does is just plaine nuts. if they want there private forum get them all to meet on msn or something.
if you are a vet it is sort of your responsobility to make the site that has given you so much something back. although vets maybe the bones and moderators the heart noobs are often the blood n guts of the place.
i hope to be a vet and i hope that someday i will have 6000 helpful posts and be a Fleet admiral in rank. but when and if i ever become a wise old vet i wnat to help noobs alot.

so sorry if i flew off the handle but man!


Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:28 pm

a lot of us vets do use msn to talk to each other, it's very usefull for bridging the distance between us, i have good convos with loc,sw,kimk,ff,eraser,wiz,rec, even taw from time to time when hes online. When i first arrived at Tlr well over a year ago now i wanted to make friends and be well known in the forums both of which i have succeded in doing. I was only joking earlier when i said i liked the idea of the elite forums because i think its a dumb idea which would inhibit the amount of new ppl staying at tlr longterm

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:36 pm

well its good to see your agianst it

I see a future i just hope others can too

Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:09 pm

Rats. I don't know why but I completely missed this thread...... Actually I know why.

*checks to make sure rabbit head isn't watching*

I don't get out of OT enough....

Fd.... Over all and I agree with you on principle and, also, no special place for veterans .... that's just silly. Besides what are vets going to be doing? Sit around in virtual over stuffed chairs, run out of new things to discuss and nod off drooling and snoring?

But I am not so sure that there is as much "darkness" as all that. Although Neo hit the cause of the effect spot on: New arrivals who haven't "settled in" as yet. I think it is as Neo said, it's about change and resistance to it. But as they say, the one true constant in life is change.

Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:23 pm

Things will change, some good, some bad. Such is life. But, the darker side feels like a resentment of new people coming in. As has been note, a few old timers have driffted off with family, jobs and other real life items, but others have left active posting due to conten/postings. Can't help but to wonder. Any way, for the most part, TLR is a hoot and the people are a lot of fun.

Was that a rabbit I heard?

Edited by - Finalday on 9/8/2004 7:23:44 PM

Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:59 pm

It is remarkable that with such a wide variety in ages on the boards, things actually seem to keep going as smoothly as they do anyway.... bumps, scratches and all.

Change is change. It happens. To each of us goes the challenge of adjusting to it.

Anyhoo, I'd say that you've done more than your share to try to keep things square here. We obviously don't see eye-to-eye on all things discussed but I don't think we've gotten very heated on anything either so that says a lot.

Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:10 pm

I see *all* Ed .

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:42 pm

I thought you were a Mason.... even if you also are a Catholic....

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:58 pm

Don't get me started on either of those groups Indy, especially the latter .

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 5:45 am

I think there should be a TLR shop where you can get interesting stuff like t-shirts n mugs n pencil sharpeners and rabbit-head finger puppets.

Radio Free Tawakalnistan
Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/9/2007 2:14:06 AM

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:04 am

Again...this was started as family oriented site...I don't think you're going to get Bargib to create a "Cussing R Us" forum for the older users...just don't think it will happen.

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:14 pm

yeh I know it won't happen. it's just an idea. cuss cuss cuss cuss cuss.

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