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Post Tue Feb 24, 2004 9:18 pm

yeah it needs alot of work...i think the forums will be done be albe to put in later suggestions maybe?

did som1 ever suggest a little column in the forums that shows if u posted in a topic? cause i see that option at

this is my world; it goes round and round and round
The wolfy types like a cow

Post Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:49 am

I've gottem on my forums, but it's a freebie one, so i aint really fussed! It is possible though

-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- - The home of Freelancer: Rebirth, the prequel to Freelancer!

Post Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:52 pm

Maybe the Front Page should be updated with non-FreeLancer stuff daily, but in a secluded spot or something. Like a link to They have regular news and it'd be convenient for the site to highlight an article or two with links. Just to keep the gamers in touch with the outside world .

Y'know, that might make the site more popular tenfold...

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:07 am

cracking idea! why not? at least then we wouldn't have a load of threads by tawaklana and esquilax about news items (like the toilet blowing up in Stoke" lol now that was funny!)

I think to have the odd new item about major events in the world might generate more interest!


- The home of Freelancer: Rebirth, the prequel to Freelancer!

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 1:25 pm

I take umbrage at that remark! What's wrong with my posts you Cardamine-smoking hippy!

Just to keep the gamers in touch with the outside world .

There's a world outside TLR?

Edited by - esquilax on 2/26/2004 3:31:12 PM

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 8:31 pm

There ain't no world outside TLR, they were just watching Pleasentville too much , We're in a forum, we should be safe here.


Habaq Mot / Aspazomai Thanatos / Capere Obitus... /Keith Green\ (1953-1983)

Edited by - Finalday on 2/26/2004 8:32:04 PM

Post Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:54 am

@ Esq - hmm - dammit. Well, whats right with your posts is easier!!! I tried to do what was wrong, but apparently the post is too big.................

Post Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:43 pm

You've lost me completely Chips. Wait a minute! Is that you Wolfy, posing as Chips?

Post Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:34 pm

lol - touchè

Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:31 pm

I've always thought the front page was OK how it is. It's professional, yet nice to look at and useful. Guess I must just be easily pleased, lol

"If it aint on fire, you haven't shot it up bad enough yet" - my old teacher on Planet Housten.

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