Clan Addon To TLR
OK pretend this is your right side menu on TLR:
Submit News
News Arcive
Clans (this one should be added)
When you click on "Clans" you get this (now pretend this is the main page you get when u have clicked the link):
Info About How To Register Your Clan On The Servers:
Your clan need to be active and be playing on one of our servers.
It needs to have a homepage and if possible a email or someone in the clan to email to.
Now if you want to Register your clan here at The Lancers Reactor just
"Click Here" to register your clan.
Current Clans:
*Elite Server Clans (you can click on this and get a list of the clans on the server and their info and website and also se the news what is happening on the server as clan wars, cheaters etc.)
*E2 Server Clans (you can click on this and get a list of the clans on the server and their info and website and also se the news what is happening on the server as clan wars, cheaters etc.)
*TLR Gold Server Clans (you can click on this and get a list of the clans on the server and their info and website and also se the news what is happening on the server as clan wars, cheaters etc.)
Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
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