A quick history of the B5 TC for StarLancer... And later the B5 TC for FreeLancer:
I posted on the forums (with the nick virus back then), if anyone was intrested in making a B5 Mod for StarLancer. RubberEagle then kindly informed me that he was already making one, so I went "Great!" and we've been "making" it ever since.
The storyline is almost finished (right RE? ^^), and almost all the necessary ships are done too. Though... A few re-makes are being made, because computers have been getting faster too you know
Progress has been quite slow on the SL-front, due to the simple fact that we dont have a mission editor. So, after years of waiting and the release of FreeLancer finally made us change our platform.
So, thats a quick and dirty review of where we have been and where we are now. I think RE has a few things to add, but you'll atleast get the picture