pikey, look right about your post ^^^
See the icons? Profile/Mail/Edit/Delete and Reply? Those are what I was talking about. If you click on the Edit button you can simply modify your message. Some people forget something and that allows them to make their adjustments. It's make a thread look messy when the same person post 2 or three (or more in some cases) posts right in a row. Either that or they are trying to increase their post count to increase their rank (under your name) which are tied together at the hip. Required? nope, but the feature is there for convenience.
The spelling, we'll that wasn't me chastizing you nor will I chastize anyone because we're used to international visitors that might not have the firm grasp on how to spell words. There's nothing wrong with that at all either. So long as we get the idea, that's really all that matters.
I've been at this for well over 2 years now, I believe you when you say I bite peoples heads off if you have only been visiting for a short time because I have been biting peoples heads off lately. I can't speak for the other moderators of course, but I feel like I've had my skin pealed back once strip at a time until I'm nothing but a bloody mess for about a month now. I RARELY see anyone come to my defense when I'm publically flogged, regardless if I deserved it or not.
So I
must depend on my instinct. If I'm wrong, I hear about it from Gibby the owner...TRUST ME ON THAT!
This moderating job is not an easy one. I deal with brand new people, people that have not posted but been lurking, people that have been posting and established a sort of repuation, people that have left for a time and returned (my standing joke is to say something like "you were gone?"
I'm tasked with trying to keep some sanity in a sometime insane situation.
It's not an exact science, I just do the best I can. I challenge anyone who thinks they can do a better job for an extended period of time to ask Gibby for a shot at it, we're always looking for new blood to be spilled...er...new talent.
Maybe after a short time these people might have a better appreciation of the job I AM doing instead of doing whatever they can to rip my head off. It's a thought.
The knife cuts both ways......