Actually, I share some of the sentiments of Tach. I have grown tired of having my repuation dragged through the mud like it has this past weekend. Granted, I brought some of it on myself and I believe that to be my own character flaw. I just simply can not deal with or engage in a conversation with people that are so uninformed and stubborn about getting their point across. In my book, the "rules of engagement" in a debating forum point / counterpoint have always been with examples of both side being presented in a mature manner and points are acknowldged from both sides and respect is a constant goal from all involved. That is becoming less and less a reality in the FL discussion forum IMHO.
I'll confine my responses and input where they naturaly belong in the FL MP forum, FL Spoiler forum and the FL Technical forum where the level of intellegence and maturity is more to my liking. I'm tired of the FL discussion forum where terms such as "Flameboy," "Troll," "Arrogant," "A$$hole," and "Ego" seem to be more prevelant and thrown around like childred slinging mud at each other. Bottom line, it's really outside of my ability to deal with anymore. I simply don't have time or energy for that sort of grade school mentality. Let's let some other moderator(s) take some hits to their character for a while...a long while.
I'm not leaving, I'm just redirecting my efforts where it better serves the community, that's all.
Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator/Comp Tech
Lancers Reactor
Privateer FAQ Competition doesn't create character, it