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Australia, The time that electronics (and rain) forgot.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:04 pm

Australia, The time that electronics (and rain) forgot.

the terrible and unjust rulers of the homestead (my parents) have got the idea into their minds that moving to australia is the best plan of action.

they want me to go to uni there *shudders*

anyway, i need to know, what voltage is used in Aus?, 110 60hz?
Also, what plugs do you use?
thirdly, my mum and dad have quite a few expensive power tools that they aren't partial to parting with (woo, go assonance). what sort of power converters are available that could power something like a 2KW Mitre saw or something like that?

sig? what sig? i see no sig....


Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:10 pm

i wouldnt know of the top of my head, i would suggest that you use yahoo or google, or perhaps talk to an electrition?


Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:37 pm

We run off a 240 volt wall socket, though I'm sure (the infinately more learned) Esq would probably be able to answer your questions more effectively than I. However, there is all manner of power converter type plugs available for your socket changing needs.

EDIT: Bring your own water, cause we're fresh out.

Edited by - mustang on 9/13/2007 4:37:13 PM

Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:38 pm


Australian electricity voltage for domestic use is 220-240 volts, AC 50Hz with 3-pin power outlets.
UK appliances work with an adaptor.
US 110V appliances also need a transformer.
Outlets for 110 volts for small appliances are found in most hotels.

Not to mention you get to swipe Esq ginger beer stash and sell it back to him on ebay

Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:08 pm

so they DO use 240V then? hahahahahaha. some of my parents friends moved to Aus about 3 years ago and said they had to replace all their electrical equipment becuase the pwer was different. mwahahahaha.

Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:44 pm

240V 60Hz power. plugs look like an upward pointing arrow with no top (Sortof)

As for converters... I think strandbags sells them. Although you SHOULD be able to find them at an electronics store... in theory...

Oh... for the record, get used to slow internet. 1.5Mbit is about as fast as it gets around here. 8Mbit is rarer than gold, and ADSL2+ isn't even available at 99% of telephone exchanges yet.
Curse you Australian technological inferiority!

Edited by - Arania on 9/13/2007 5:45:53 PM

Post Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:09 am

but just think of the fun you can have throwing old computer parts down into the Burrow. You can lie in wait to snap photos of the elusive Rabbit "God" or even wear Jaggy masks to fool him into thinking you're his one remaining loyal acolyte.

anyway you're over 16 now, aren't you? you can stay at home if you want, live your own life. Can't say I blame the folks for wanting to move though, me and Mrs Taw are planning on upping sticks too in a few years, living in dungheap slave-economy police state Britain is just too wearisome. It's the South of France for us! (or possibly Ireland)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/14/2007 12:44:32 PM

Post Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:47 pm

Well pete, i don't want to go with them.

im considering VERY strongly doing a masters in Aviation Eng + Pilot Skills at Brunel Uni, but the parents say they'd be distressed if we were in different countries.

i REALLY don't want to go to Aus though.
1. its too hot.
2. its too damn hot.
3. its full of Aussies.
4. i hear there's a maniacl rabbit-horse-daemon-thing there.
5. its not Canada.
6. there is no rule 6.
7. no Poofters!

oh, yeah, i'm 17 now pete. 18 in april.

Hows Mrs Taw and the Sprogs? i've not heard from you in a long while. last we spoke you were in some rather serious health issues.

Also, i don't think i could manage with Internet slower than 8MB. i've been on 8MB with BT for about 3 years now, and i LIKE downloading things at 1024KB/s
i mean, streaming DVDs from is just really fun.

Anyway, i think we should elect Taw as supreme overlord of the universe.

Edited by - Aod2 on 9/14/2007 5:49:35 PM


Post Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:37 pm

taw as supreme over lord???

this could work, as long as im his person in charge of.... well, what would i be in charge of?

i know!

ill be in charge of the nachos, cause everyone loves nachos, and if you dont, then your put do death, cause in Taws supremely awsome universe, everyone must love nachos...

(I know im crazy, but thats what makes me FUN!!!!)


Post Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:50 pm

sounds good to me. i love Nachos with a bit of cheese.

Post Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:03 am

Can't you attend uni in this country, living in halls/flats for 9 months of the year, fly out to Aus every summer? (or every Xmas if that's preferable?).

Post Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:10 am

awfully flattering of you, but as a simple village mullah I couldn't possibly accept such a title. Tawakalnistan and its environs are sufficient for me.

(and I don't really like nachos, never been sure what they are tbh; plain or cheese n onion crisps are about as exciting as I get in the snack dept.)

Post Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:34 am

what about biscuits Taw? surely, as an old and grumpy man, you appreciate a good biscuit and a cup of good tea?

Post Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:17 am

I most certainly do, in fact I consider a nice biscuit and a good cup of tea (3 big sugars and lots of milk, pref stera) as a necessary condition of life. One thing that I've noticed about America is that you can't get a decent cuppa for love nor money, so I always take me own and get the hotel's room service to bring me up hot water and all the necessaries. Stera doesn't even exist in the US afaik but I'll live with that UHT stuff.

you've started me rambling about tea now, you know how I can't stick to the point. where were we? oh yes, your future!

Aviation science sounds pretty groovy, great prospects for a carer, cutting-edge stuff and all that. If that's what you want to do then go for it, you aren't a child anymore. Having said that, for all it's uncivilised nature and proliferation of bizarre mutated animals, there are more opportunities in Aus than here and it's not a slave economy yet (unlike Britain) and the weather is better and they have a much higher standard of living, although you wouldn't catch me going because of snakes and all the other deadly things lurking in toilets. Although it would be handy for surpise attacks on the Burrow and whatever bar Mustang is propping up.

the very best advice that I could give you is to do what you enjoy and be good at it, no-one ever did well doing something they weren't committed to. btw I liked your pictures, is that your mum and dad on some of them? I like your mum! and didn't i speak to your dad once on the phone?


Post Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:35 am

totally agree, do something that your interested in and that you think that you will be good at, no sense in working for 45 years in a job you hate.....


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