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Teenager throws XBox psu in bucket of water...

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Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:28 am

You are right Locutov

I had recently caught a episode of springer whilest channel surfing and well I let my bias against idiots get the better of me

There are a great many decent wonderfull well educated southern idividuals who do not deserve to be characterized by these morons on TV

I should also know better I have family in Atlanta

My apologies

Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:23 am

pfft it's all faked, they put peanut butter in the mouth to make it seem like the horse it talking, while a guy behind a mic. talks. Anyway, I am sure the kid will do another retarded move, like try to make a fire with gasoline, or light a firework in his pant and have his buddies laugh crazy while he lays there fried and crispy, or my favorite move would be the guy trying to jump over a moving car. Yes, his time will come, lets hope he can learn something about this experience and maybe use his brain cells, or what's left of them. Let's hope very hard.

QuEsTiOn AsKeR
Last Hope MOD

Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:48 am

I couldn't actually find out the kid's name from any sources, I was really hoping it would be "Earl" or something else that might light up his trailer park heritage. No doubt his momma is already star of their local tornado alley and is prob preparing a revelation right now for the National Enquirer as to how she was dun kider-napped by them thar aliens after coming out of the bar and impregnated (thus explaining why there's no dad around to make sure said offspring doesn't do daft stuff like electrocuting himself.)

it's very unfair to dismiss the whoel of the south-east of the United States as a desert of inbred backward drunken buffoons and wastrels, when I know there are islands of civilisation scattered here and there where you might think you're still in a civilised country. However driving a few miles in any direction (pref not when drunk, or you'd be a native) will introduce you to a world of stupidity, alcohol abuse and violence, the like of which even living on a British council estate couldn't prepare you.

We have them too, unf we can't corrall the majority in one part of the country and forget about them, every town has them; and again unlike America, their trashy subculture is now supreme in our land with even the Establishment paying lip-service to it.

Who says Mr Ed isn't real? What rubbish, I watched the show endlessly as a child and that horse can talk! Next you'll be saying that Francis the Talking Donkey was a fake too, and that Lassie really couldn't prevent a nuclear reactor from exploding by barking and pointing with her forepaw and making mushroon-cloud style gestures....

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:24 am

apparently, mr ed was a zebra, the tv cameras couldnt make out the patterns on him at the time. they also put peanut butter in his mouth. so ive heard

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:54 pm should watch this...

Ah....the world


Edited by - parabolix on 9/1/2007 3:54:20 PM

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:04 pm

truly frightening, but surely they won't spread north past the Mason-Dixon Line? (well, not if it's fortified with minefields, barbed wire, and watchtowers...)

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:05 pm

And doors only openable by solving 2 step mathematical equations...Or spelling words properly for that matter.

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:17 pm

Lets cut to the interesting point - why has Mr Ed not got any pips under his name

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:53 pm

wow a movie about idiots

and I thought i was desperate cause i was waiting for Balls of Fury to premier

thought Christopher Walken is one of my heroes

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:21 pm

Darwin Awards, anybody?

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