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Teenager throws XBox psu in bucket of water...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:31 am

Teenager throws XBox psu in bucket of water...

In a clear demonstration that natural selection weeds out the stupid and weak, a North Carolina teenager decided that the best way to cool his Xbox's overheating power supply was to stick it in a bowl of water. He was unsurprisingly knocked unconcious by the resulting electric shock and earned himself a trip to hospital with "minor burns to his right hand and foot".

According to local news reports, the 14-year-old Brevard youth was having a spot of bother with his console which would shut down every five minutes. His mum told the press "he dun thaught the problum was likely linked to that thar over-heating" and duly "dun tried to fix it on his own, based on tips he found on that thar online internetweb." This apparently involved wrapping the offending power supply in plastic and tape and dunking it in said bowl "while it was still plugged in". His mother explained: "When ah left to go next door he was playing a game y'all but when ah got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconsciousness."

The young man was subsequently detained overnight at the local hospital, attended at his bedside by his mother and father (who remarkably in this case are not brother and sister!)

Due to the general patheticness of the US 120v domestic power supply, natural selection was unable to remove this sorry excuse from the gene pool, although I understand that the mother is thankin' Jesus for saving her li'l darlin, no doubt so that he can go back online and commit some racist abuse on XBox Live along with his other adolescent compatriots. I suspect that one of the reasons the stupid little t*rd did dun electroficuted hisself in the first place is because Jesus didn't mention that thar electrickery in the Bible. I await the inevitable litigation by the parents on the basis that Microsoft did not provide a warning that the psu (or any other electrical item) should not be immersed in water. Well, some moron managed to sue Maccy D's and get them to put warnings on coffee-cups that say " caution - may contain hot liquids!"

I await your gleeful sarcastic comments... I've already been thinking of some as you can see

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:27 am

obviously he's not a Mythbusters fan or he would know that appliances and tap water don't mix (of course, the school or his mum could have made him aware of this fact if they weren't already busy organizing this years 'taxes-r-bad' convention)

it seems the 'dark dungeons' of teh interwebs have claimed yet another victim

the morals of the story are, internet access does not make you an electrical engineer, and following 'tips' from forums will tend to result in bodily injury ( 'hellz yeah you should put that 50 hp ****el snowmobile engine on your go-kart!!' )

(W - A - N - K - E - L is a naughty word? lolz! reticulan conspiracy!)

Edited by - Cold_Void on 8/25/2007 7:28:32 AM

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:31 am

serves you right for discussing rotary engines in a family forum!

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:35 am

Common Sense is missing in action with this generation. *Shakes head*

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:20 am

It's because medical technology has gotten so good. Before, all the idiots damaged themselves by doing stupid things and not having the medical resources nearby to save their lives. Sadly, now, it is fairly easy to restore someone to life, ergo there are more stupid people about.

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:03 am

First off North Carolina is in the SOUTH -- ergo the boy will probably be a future Jerry Springer guest

The US Cultural divide Begins below Virginia and Ends Somwhere to the Texan Side

This Southern Landscape is a wasteland of Idiocay far beyond the Comprehension of Mortal Men -- or a certain crop of Brits --

This is not a defense per see but more of an explanation

Post Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:23 pm

having personally been shocked by 120 V (not doing anything stupid like that!) i know what the kid is going through and he will more than likely have nerve damage or at the very least a nice scar to remind him of his (hopefully) temporary lack of common sense. but just in case heres a nice little flow chart for his parents to hang in his room electricity+water=ouch! and kid next time upgrade the coolant system.

Edited by - arton alpha on 8/25/2007 8:26:52 PM

Post Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:35 pm

Warning: tickets should not be taken internally.

Homer: See, because of me they have a warning.

It's true, there really is a Simpson quote for every real life situation.

Post Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:38 pm

That reminds me of this.

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:07 am

Mr Ed sed:

This is not a defense per se but more of an explanation

Well we heard it from the horse's mouth, so it must be true. I wonder though, do you have to use an extra large keyboard to accomodate your hooves, or do you press the keys using some sort of stick-like device that you can grasp in your teeth? or does Wilbur still do all these menial tasks for you?

If you need any assistance in using human technology for equine purposes, there are plenty of other imaginary animals on TLR who can advise you as to how to overcome these humanocentric problems, a rabbit-horse chimaera with no horse like qualities at all, a plasticine dog, an army of suicidal squirrels, and a large bearded bird-man.

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:03 am

Mmmmmm and i was going to avoid the whole debate
Rabbit Vs Towel-lack-of-stan

We horses are of high Technology standards having used telelphones since the early sixties -- see the show and have been engineering original software for awhile ( not mine but obviously named after me ahem )

and as you can see from the link below we play chess and Vacation with great Fun

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:22 am

Sorry but as you are in fact a horse, and therefore not human despite many redeeming and undoubtedly attractive features, this automatically puts you on the Rabbit's side along with the other made-up animals, which is a bad thing for you I'm afraid to say, seeing as he always loses. However this may give you the opportunity to supply a cavalry element hitherto lacking in the Hare's military capabilities, despite the claims of "horsiness" on his part. Plus you can always have the satisfaction of knowing that you may well be fated to feed several Tawakalnistani families with prime-quality horse meat for days or even weeks.

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:49 pm

Just because you ignore my equine attributes, it doesn't mean that they do not exist. Indeed, we have had this conversation on more than one occasion Mullah.

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:13 pm

I'm a Horse ?? Of Course of course doh -- Talk-alot-without-substania -- I would Neigh deny it
" an army of suicidal squirrels " whoa there nelly -- take your pills and settle down and we will call the nice men in thier white suits -- next it will be angry beavers -- or possibly Trojan Rabbits

you've got some deep seated anti fur issues there -- FOF fear of fur ?? Aww are we afraid that the Lions and Tigers and Bears are out to get you ?? -- Yess the small fury creatures are conspiring against me !!!

( wwwwilbur the scary man is frothing at the bit again !! )

Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:50 am


*cough* that goes back a long time (and a lot of fond memories as well )

PS: please please please, do not generalise the southern peoples as borderline psychomaniacal idiots, they're people they have feelings, and as such, treat them as individuals.

thank you.

Edited by - Locutov on 8/31/2007 6:52:18 AM

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